(Saint John Portland MLA Trevor Holder) (File Photo)
It didn't take long for the Conservative Party to react to Minister Keir's announcement.
Saint John Portland MLA Trevor Holder tells CHSJ News, the Liberal Party continues to make announcements concerning energy with no policy.
He says there no is no energy policy in this province, and the Liberal Government has no intention on putting one in place.
On the announcement itself, Holder says he doesn't have any problem with giving the EUB more teeth but is concerned on what that will mean for Saint John Energy.
(Hole In The Wall Where Jeep Went Through) (Photo by Jim Hennessy)
Kennebecasis Drugs on the Marr Road has some un-wanted renovations.
A 74-year old woman driving a Jeep Grand Cherokee drove it right through the brick wall in the back parking lot.
Rothesay Regional Police tell us it happened at one o'clock and after the jeep cleared the wall it pushed through two rows of shelves.
Sergeant Evan Scott is head of the Traffic Division and tells CHSJ News, it is nothing short of a miracle that someone wasn't hurt or killed.
There is quite a bit of structural damage to the store so it is closed for the rest of the day. No word yet on whether human or mechanical error is to blame and charges are not expected.
The man whose truck spilled gasoline into a Saint John waterway is being charged with impaired driving.
Sergeant Pat Cole with the Hampton RCMP tells CHSJ News when the man's truck flipped over on Otter Lake Road on Saturday night and spilled gas into Ratcliffe Brook he fled the scene.
Police arrested the man a few minutes later at his house.
City officials are now monitoring the waterways to prevent contamination.
(Energy Minister Jack Keir speaks at today's energy announcement) (Photo by Jim Hennessy)
The Liberal government has unveiled a number of improvements it says will protect electricity ratepayers.
There are five key changes including all rate increases regardless of size must be approved by the EUB and cabinet will no longer be able to reverse or modify any decision from the EUB that deals with rates.
Energy Minister Jack Keir says all of these changes will strengthen the regulatory framework of the Energy and Utilities Board.
The changes still need to be approved in the legislature when it resumes this fall.
The housing stock in the south end is being increased despite fears that too much precious land in that part of town is being used for parking.
So says Mayor Ivan Court who points to Leinster Court, the Abbey and the Rocca condos across from the cruise ship terminal to make his case.
Councillor Patty Higgins says there's a very good reason why there's a need for more people to make the south-central peninsula their home. She wants to see a grocery store established. There has been an effort underway to get a Co-op in the south end and we have been told progress, slow as it may seem, is being made.
The new municipal plan is expected to make residential development closer to the city core a priority as part of smart growth. Common Councillor Peter McGuire maintains city planners are being hamstrung by what he calls an outdated and dilapidated municipal plan.
The RCMP are investigating a complaint of theft and mischief on two sailboats that were anchored along the Saint John River on the evening of July 6th between Irvin Lane and Beach Road.
One of the sailboats was cast adrift. A diver's watch and TV were among the items stolen.
Police are also looking for your help in catching who was responsible for causing mischief to South Beach on Long Island along the Kennebecasis River sometime between the last week of June and first week of July.
Several trees were uprooted, beer bottles were broken and a sign for the Nature Trust was burned.
Any information can be called in to the Mounties at 757-10-20 or Crimestoppers at 1-800-222-tips.
The Energy and Utilities Board should have more clout.
That's one of the recommendations from the Provincial N-D-P to reform the E-U-B and better protect middle class families from what party leader Roger Duguay calls unfair power rate increases.
He tells CHSJ News any rate proposal from NB Power should be examined, no matter how small it might be, and the E-U-B should have the authority to stop an increase from taking effect.
The New Democrats are also calling for the creation of a new job, an efficiency officer, who would oversee every aspect of NB Power's operation and present a report to the Provincial Cabinet within six months.
City Police are cracking down on those people who are in Rockwood Park after hours.
According to the beach bylaw, it is illegal to be in the park after 10:00 at night. Six people were arrested early this morning at Fisher Lakes.
Police say there have been thefts, damage and mischief. Someone cut the ropes at the swimming area which indicate the deepness of the water.
Trees were damaged for firewood. A porta potty was overturned. Picnic tables were thrown the water and there was a breakin reported.
A consultant has told the city the park is too isolated after dark and that's one reason why the city is looking at some residential development along Sandy Point Road adjacent to the park.
A 19 year old parolee is back behind bars facing a charge of dangerous driving after a chase with police at one of the busiest times of the weekend in what arguably is the busiest shopping area of the city on the east side.
Sergeant Pat Bonner of City Police says the pursuit began on Ellerdale Street Saturday afternoon around 1:00 and then went down Westmorland Road eventually ending with a collision in the vicinity of Retail Drive.
One police car was also damaged. The car the accused was in had fictitious plates.
A gasoline spill off Otter Lake Road has city officials monitoring the waterways. Brent McGovern with Saint John water says a truck went off the road Saturday night and spilt gas into Ratcliffe Brook which eventually provides drinking water to the city.
McGovern tells CHSJ News they're not sure how much gas was actually spilled.
McGovern says it takes forty days for the water to make it's way to the intake so they've got lots of time to collect samples and develop a plan to counter the situation.
Several preventative measures were taken over the weekend to try and reduce the risk of contamination including the deployment of booms and a vacuum truck to clean up what they could.