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Thursday, April 8, 2010

ACAP programs get federal funding

Atlantic Coastal Action Programs will receive their funding from Ottawa.

In a release, Environment Minsiter Jim Prentice says funding for conservation in the Atlantic region will remain the same but, changes have been made to bring it in line with other important ecosystems across the country.

This means a focus on issues including water quality and habitat.

War of Words over Harbour Bridge continues

The truce in the war of words over the Harbour Bridge called for by provincial Energy Minister Jack Keir has been shortlived if it existed at all. Saint John M-P Rodney Weston sees the Liberal Party ads on the bridge issue as a full frontal assault on him.
Premier Shawn Graham says Weston's name was never even mentioned in the ads.

Graham was in town to tour Simonds High and get a looksee at a pilot program in Health Care Sciences developed for students in Grades 11 and 12. The Premier calls it a model for the rest of the province.

New provincial law targets drinking not drunk drivers

New provincial legislation will make it tougher for those drivers who have been drinking but are not legally impaired. If they blow a warning on the breathalyser, they will lose their licenses for seven days instead of just 24 hours.

Sgt Evan Scott of the Rothesay Regional Police tells CHSJ News this is a step in the right direction but he would also like to see some accountability tied in as well.

Scott says the insurance companies don't know that their insurer has been stopped and issued a 24-hour suspension so they are not adjusting their rates accordingly.

Sgt Scott maintains your reaction time behind the wheel is slower regardless of how much or little you've had to drink and he says the number of reports police receive of impaired drivers is skyrocketing.

Federal funding for Symphony NB

250 thousand dollars in federal money has landed in the lap of Symphony New Brunswick. 170 thousand of that is coming from the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency. Symphony President Dr. Tom Condon says the funding is earmarked for hiring more professional musicians.

Saint John M-P Rodney Weston sees this funding as an investment in the provincial economy.  Dr. Condon reports the symphony is in excellent financial shape with its Endowment fund estimated at 700 thousand dollars and growing.

Province signs $580 million dollar deal for Highway expansion

The province has signed a $580 million dollar deal that includes the Mackay Highway being expanded to six lanes.
It also includes the construction of the last 55 kilometres of four-lane highway on Route 1 from Waweig to St. George.

The Department of Transportation says in terms of value, it's the largest highway project in the province's history.
Dexter Developer General Partnership says the project will provide 900 jobs over 4100 months mostly for New Brunswickers.
Premier Shawn Graham, Transportation Minister Denis Landry and Charlotte the Isles MLA Rick Doucet all attended today's announcement.

Gas Prices Rise In Saint John

A big jump in the price of self serve regular after the weekly setting. It rose by more than 3 cents a litre and is being sold in the city for $104.1. The maximum that can be charged is 106.7. Diesel also went up but not by as much and is going for $104.8 a litre around town. Furnace oil is also more expensive at 92.4 cents a litre but there has been another decline in the price of propane which is listed at $103.2.

Campus of U-N-B Saint John Being Transformed

(U-N-B Vice-President Dr. Robert McKinnon)
                (File Photo)

U-N-B Saint John continues to be a bee-hive of construction activity. Vice President Dr. Robert McKinnon tells CHSJ News, there are four major projects underway including the renovation of the Saint John College building for the Dalhousie Medical Program which will open in September as scheduled and the N-B-C-C Allied Health Building. The Canada Games Stadium renovations should be finished this fall.
Dr. McKinnon says the fourth project, still in the planning stages, is the Commons Project which they hope to get started in another month or two.

Olympic Champion To Speak In City Tonight

One of Canada's most famous Olympians will be in the Port City tonight.
Silken Laumann is the guest speaker for the PRO Kids Out of the Park Fun-raising dinner tonight at the Delta.
Laumann tells CHSJ News she's a big supporter of keeping kids active and helping them reach their full potential. She also calls Pro Kids a terrific organisation.
Proceeds from tonight's dinner will allow PRO Kids to place local children in positive recreation activities ranging from sports to dance. For ticket information go to our website, news.