(South-West MP Greg Thompson) (Photo by Jim Hennessy)
The Minister of Veterans Affairs is stepping down from his post but retaining his MP's status for now. 62-year old Greg Thompson tells CHSJ News, he told Prime Minister Harper leading into the last election this would be his last kick at the can. Thompson says after surviving a battle with cancer two years ago and being on the road travelling most of his career, it is time stay closer to home with his wife Linda and family.
As for a replacement for the portfolio, Thompson adds he has no indication who the Prime Minister will choose and when the next Federal election is called, he will not re-offer.
752 local kids got the chance to enjoy recreational activities last year because PRO Kids. They hope to place more than 800 kids this year.
Program Manager Tammy Desaulniers tells CHSJ News they want to place the child in the activity of their choice. Last year's PRO Kids annual dinner featuring Damon Allen was their most successful to date raising over $30, 000 dollars.
Common Council wants to see a balanced budget from acting City manager Pat Woods Monday night. Woods is urging Council to adopt a multi year plan to reduce the city's debtload.
Woods says if the city is spending money on loan payments, it means less for recreation, police and fire services.
After an inspection by the Department of Education, the sprinkler system at Hampton Middle School needs replacing.
Director of Finance John MacDonald says it's not a safety precaution, it's due to the chance of water freezing in the pipes and causing a headache later. MacDonald says the 60 thousand dollar project is moving to the top of the Capital investment list. MacDonald says the upgrade to the sprinkler and alarm system at Sussex Corner Elementary is being replaced by this project, but will likely be the top priority on next years list.
Not many organizations get to celebrate 100 years of exsistence so the Girl Guides are pretty excited they are today. All girls in Greater Saint John are invited to the office at 55 Rothesay Avenue, right next to the Post Office to commemorate the important role Guiding has played in the community. Spokes-person Marie Wetmore tells CHSJ News, the organization has shaped the lives of many.
The open house runs this afternoon between two and four.
Construction continues at a good pace at the new Potash Corporation Mine near Sussex. 660 workers are on the site daily and General Manager Mark Fracchia tells CHSJ News, a big part of the job, sinking the shafts will start on the first week of February:
The target date to have the mine operational is 2012 with close to 500 people on the payroll.