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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Harbour Bridge Work - Short Term Pain For Long Term Gain

Animal Rescue League and SPCA Merger

There is a possibility the Animal Rescue League and SPCA may forge a stronger relationship but talks are very preliminary at this point. Board of Directors President Sara Stashick tells CHSJ News, the discussion was generated because both organizations need new facilities:
Stashick adds the purpose of the talks is to find a better way for both organizations to partner and work together but are in no hurry to get something done.

Is the Loonie Reaching Par a Bad Thing?

For anyone who doesn't follow the stock market, there is always a question about why when the Loonie reaches par is it a bad thing. Mike Murphy is a commercial account manager with BMO and tells CHSJ News, truth be's not bad for everyone:

Murphy adds this country weathered the recession well because of our good business practises and over-all economic environment.

Has Easter Become Too Commericialized?

When did Easter become such a commericalized holiday? That may be the question you ask yourself today with hundreds of dollars in gifts lying around your home and enough chocolate to keep you going until Easter rolls around next year. CHSJ News hit the street earlier this week asking one specific question, Has Easter Become too Commercialized:

The majority of people we spoke with all had the same answer.....Easter has become too commercialized.