RCMP want your help in locating Michael Paul Hutchings. The 33-year-old Moncton man is wanted in relation to a stabbing on Monday in Moncton. A charge of attempted murder was laid in a Moncton court against Hutchings today.
A 19-year-old Moncton man remains in hospital in stable condition.
Police reminds the public to call if they see the suspect and not to approach him. If you see him, call Crimestoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS.
Grand Bay-Westfield RCMP are still investigating a serious assault in Public Landing that left a 31-year-old man hospitalized. On June 19th at about 9pm, several men got off a 26-foot white Baja speedboat at the Public Landing wharf. A 31-year-old man at the wharf was assaulted and suffered serious injuries. He remains at the Regional hospital and police have been unable to speak to him because of his injuries.
Several people were arrested, questioned and released and no charges have been laid. The RCMP are looking to talk with witnesses to this assault. Anyone with any information is asked to contact the Grand Bay-Westfield RCMP at 757-1020 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS..
Grand Bay Westfield RCMP are investigating a sexual assault against a 13-year-old girl on Friday night. It occurred on a trail between the tennis court on Inglewood Drive and North Street when the teen was approached by an older man who touched her inappropriately. She ran off and was not hurt.
The suspect is described as in his 60's, less than 5 foot 9 inches tall, overweight with a very long white beard and long white hair that was grey on top. He was wearing a camouflage ball hat and a bright orange t-shirt.
If you can identify the man in this incident, contact the Grand Bay Westfield RCMP at 757-1020 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800- 222- TIPS.
No doubt you have noticed workers busy on Long Wharf returning the site to it's original state after the Irving Oil office building plan was shelved.
Paula Small with the Saint John Port Authority tells CHSJ News, the restoration work got started two weeks ago with crews capping the pilings that were driven into the ground and putting back in place under-ground services like water and electricity.
Small says the work is expected to be finished the work before the 15th of September.
That is when the Norwegian Princess is due to dock at Long Wharf.
You may have noticed the construction screening put on the Harbour Bridge running along the median has been down twice since work on the span got started.
General Manager Ken Anthony tells CHSJ News, it is in place to keep debris from hitting passing vehicles.
As far as the work on the bridge is concerned, Anthony says everything remains on schedule with the north and south approaches hydro-demolished on one side.
Restaurant owners around the Province are being warned of a scam making the rounds.
Someone claiming to be a health inspector is calling businesses to set up an appointment for an inspection.
The caller then asks the restaurant owners to provide detailed personal and business information.
RCMP tell us health inspectors in this Province do not regularly schedule inspections with restaurants and will not ask for detailed personal or business information over the phone.
The generosity of Greater Saint John has come through once again as $2500 is raised for the Randy Jones and family foundation at McDonald's locations yesterday.The money will go to the pediatric unit and pediatric diabetes unit at the Regional Hospital.
The Quispamsis hockey star's annual celebrity tournament, Golf For Kids Sake, is underway today at the Riverside Golf and Country Club.
(Campbell speaks to people from Saint John Harbour) (Photo by Sherry Aske)
After being defeated by Carl Killen in the Conservative nomination, John Campbell is running in the fall election as the independent candidate for Saint John Harbour.
Campbell says one of the key issues in the election is going to be health care because it is going to become 50 per cent of the budget very shortly.
Campbell says he may not have the balance of numbers on his side running as an independent, but party leaders can't ignore logical arguments backed up with facts and figures.
A fight to receive compensation they believe is rightfully theirs continues by Widows on the Warpath.
They have been left out of a $20,000 package offered by Ottawa to military and civilians who worked at -- or lived near Base Gagetown in the sixties. That is when Agent Orange was tested in the training area.
Spokes-person Judith Saunders Wright tells CHSJ News, they are far from giving up.
Saunders Wright will be at the City Market's Germain Street entrance this morning at nine looking for more signatures with 91 already on the petition. The widows have been shut out of the compensation package because their spouses passed away prior to the start up program in February of 06.
Incumbant Liberal MLA Ed Doherty and Conservative candidate Carl Killen have competition for the September election.
Reverend Wayne Dryer is carrying the banner for the New Democrats after being nominated by acclamation in the riding of Saint John Harbour last night.
Dryer tells CHSJ News, he wants to be a voice for the constituents.
As for his competition, Dryer says he wouldn't be running if he didn't think he had a chance at winning.
A news conference has been called for ten this morning where it's expected John Campbell will announce he is running as an independent candidate in the riding as well.
Campbell lost by one vote to Conservative candidate Carl Killen.
The province is growing! Numbers from Stats Can show a net increase of over 6000 people since January 2007.
The number surpasses the goal of increasing the province's population by 6,000 by the end of 2009 as set out by the state of the province address. The numbers are a quarterly estimate for January 1st to April 1st of this year and place our province's population at 751,300.
The province's population dropped by over 4000 people in the 13 quarters before January 2007.
School is out and many kids will be out on their bikes.
Wayne Young is the director of injury prevention for the Atlantic Red Cross and tells CHSJ News, parents and caregivers should really enforce the message to wear the right protective gear.
Young says it's also very important that motorists keep their eyes peeled for kids weaving in and around vehicles on their bicycles.