(The street sign for the new entrance to the Q-Plex) (Photo by Sherry Aske)
Quispamsis has a new road and it's named after the town's resident NHL player.
"Randy Jones Way" is the new name of the Vincent Road entrance to the Q-Plex after Randy Jones, defenceman for the L.A. Kings.
Jones is in town for his Celebrity Golf Tournament which takes place tomorrow to raise money for the pediatric care and pediatric diabetes units at the Regional.
He says he's looking forward to getting everyone together at tomorrow's tournament.
Last year Golf For Kids Sake raised 121,000 dollars for the Regional's neo-natal unit.
Hampton RCMP tried to stop a motorcycle on Friday night on Highway one that was doing a "wheelie".
The driver sped up and away and roadblocks were set up further down the road and the bike was clocked going more than 160 kms per hour. The motorcycle drove past the road block, causing an accident and driving at more than 200 kms per hour before leaving the highway for Sussex.
No one was hurt in the accident.
The driver of the motorcycle is described as between 5'8" to 5'9" weighing 200 lbs with spiky dark hair, a pencil style beard wearing a green T-shirt, jeans and a dark helmet.
Contact RCMP at 832-5566 if you have any information on this incident.
The name of one of the accident victims in Saint John has been released after two weekend tragedies. 26-year-old Ryan Ellis died on Friday after the motorcycle he was driving crashed into another vehicle on Manawagonish Road.
A 15-year-old girl was killed after a car she was in went off Hillcrest Road and down an embankment near the airport on Saturday night. City police tells CHSJ News, her name is not being released at the request of her family.
Officials at the Saint John Airport are feeling optimistic with the latest numbers on passenger volume.
Passenger stats to the end of May show a modest 2.3% increase in numbers for the first five months of the year, as compared to the same period last year.
Airport President and CEO Bernard LeBlanc fully expects the positive trend to continue and predicts the year end total to surpass 220,000 passengers for the fourth consecutive year.
Provincial Environment Minister Rick Doucette says its time we took another look at the plans for dealing with an oil spill in the Bay of Fundy.
This follows Doucette's visit last week to the Gulf of Mexico to get a first hand look at what's unfolding there which he calls the largest manmade disaster in history.
Doucette says any re-examination of the plans that are in place should also involve officials from Nova Scotia and Maine.
They say no good deed goes un-recognized and that certainly holds true in this story.
Local artist Norm Jackson will unveil and present his latest work, a portrait of former world speed skating champion Charles Gorman to Irving Oil officials next week. This after the company put forward the cash for a headstone at his un-marked grave. Jackson tells CHSJ News, it wasn't easy trying to capture the true essence of the man from photographs but is pleased with the final result. The dedication of Gorman's gravestone will happen on July.6th at the Old Cedar Hill Cemetery on Lancaster Avenue just after noon.
City Police are still piecing together what happened after two people were killed in traffic accidents over the weekend. A teenage girl was killed when a car she was in with several other young people went off the Hillcrest Road near the airport at 11:30pm Saturday night. The girl was pinned under the vehicle after it rolled down a steep enbankment and flipped onto it's roof. One man was killed on Friday night when the motorcycle he was driving crashed into a vehicle on the Manawagonish Road just before ten o'clock.
Discussions about building a second nuclear reactor at Point Lepreau have begun in, of all places, Florida. Provincial Energy Minister Jack Keir is in the Sunshine state talking about the possibility with the French nuclear engineering group, Areva. The Conservation Council's David Coon calls the whole thing insane. Energy Probe in Toronto doubts whether anything will get off the ground but Coon says it could if the province offers sufficient concessions and Areva is assured of access to the U.S. market.
One man is locked up and will visit with a judge later today after a robbery uptown last night.
City Police tell us it was just after 6:30pm when a man walked into the United Book Exchange on Charlotte Street. He told the clerk he had a weapon, wanted cash and took off out the door a short time later with a handful.
Quick work by officers on patrol how-ever found one person on King Street a short time later and he is now cooling his heels in a cell at City Hall. Nobody was hurt.
We've heard alot of talk from officials with both the city and the provincial government about the huge potential that exists to transform Crescent Valley into a vibrant part of Saint John.
Well now a private developer, Don Darling of Prestige Homes is also saying it as the province calls for proposals to build housing for families and seniors.
For Prestige Homes to get involved, Darling says the economics and time lines would have to be worked out to the benefit of all concerned.
A few last-minute tweaks are happening before the Acadian Games kick off on Wednesday in Saint John.
Michel Cote tells CHSJ News over 1000 athletes from Atlantic Canada will be here. Cote adds the athletes are competing in eight different sports including soccer and track and field.
Volunteers are still needed for security and you do not have to speak french.
To apply to go this website........http://www.jeuxdelacadie.org/2010/english/mascot.htm.
Premier Shawn Graham is making his rounds for the election season. Despite a recent slew of of visits to the port city for funding announcements Graham says he is still looking at each part of the Province.
Graham says there is a strong team of candidates in Saint John and his visits have helped grow the economy.
The Riverside Golf and Country Club will again provide the back-drop for this years Randy Jones Charity Golf Tournament tomorrow.
The L.A. Kngs defenceman last year with the help of many golfers raised $121,000 dollars for the neo-natal unit. All money this time around goes to the pediatric care and the pediatric diabetes unit at the Regional. Randy's brother Tim tells CHSJ News, Randy is looking forward to the day.
Some of the celebrities taking part in this years tournament include Team Canada gold medal winner Drew Dowdy, Wayne Simmons of the L.A. Kings, Aaron Asham with the Philadelphia Flyers and NHL referee Tim Peel.
If you aren't playing in the tourney, there is still a way to help the cause with food sales at all McDonalds between 4 and 8pm today to go toward this years charity.