With multiple deadly cases of H1N1 popping up around Canada, the number of New Brunswickers rolling up their sleeves to get a flu shot has doubled this year.
That's according to the Executive Director of the New Brunswick Pharmacists Association Paul Blanchard who tells CHSJ News the Department of Health usually orders about 260,000 doses of vaccinations, but there is some worry they could run into a shortage.
Blanchard says almost all pharmacies in the province have a pharmacist on staff that's certified to give injections.
Nova Scotia health officials now urging middle-aged residents to get a flu shot after two people in that age group who had underlying health conditions died of the H1N1 strain.
A controlled burn is happening today to put out a fire at the site of a train derailment near Plaster Rock.
The Department of Public Safety's E.M.O. advising the fire may get bigger briefly due to the technique being used to put it out and sirens may also be heard while this happens.
A release on the provincial government's web page says the procedure must be carried out during the day. The burn is needed so evacuees may return to their homes as soon as possible.
The evacuation zone, which covers a two kilometre radius around the derailment, remains closed and a no-fly alert over the site is in place.
The evacuees are allowed to check on their homes at specific times until it's considered safe for them to return permanently.
Stephen Anderson is being released from the hospital today.
The Sea Dogs player was hurt in a game against the Titan last weekend. He went to hospital on Sunday with upper-body injuries and there were some further complications.
Medical staff say the 19 year old from Morell, PEI can leave the hospital, but he will have to spend some time recuperating at home.
With a strike deadline on the horizon, the University of New Brunswick outlining the facts of their financial situation. UNB's Vice-President of Finance Dan Murray says declining student enrollment, low levels of provincial operating funding and caps on tuition increases putting a strain on their operating budget.
He says tuition would have to go up at least 10% every year for four years to pay for what the Association of University of New Brunswick Teachers is asking for. He says he doesn't think that's financially viable for the university in this economy. Murray says their operating revenue is predicted to go up by 1.8% over the next two years, but if their overall expenses increase by more than that every year, the university won't have a balance between their revenues and expenses. The association says the key issues are compensation and working conditions comparable to other universities of similar size. 90% of the members on the four campuses voted to strike. The strike deadline is Monday.
Things are looking up on the local job front, with the city's unemployment rate dropping by one per cent from November to December. It now sits at 7%
That's according to the latest Stats Can survey, which is showing provincial employment has increased by 1.8% compared to twelve months ago. The unemployment rate for New Brunswick has not budged from November to December at 9.7%.
The national employment rate rising 0.3 percentage points to 7.2% as more people looked for work.
The high volume of terrible weather recently is impacting some businesses negatively including the people who collect blood for hospital patients.
Michelle Thibodeau Coates of Canadian Blood Services tells CHSJ News they weathered the storm by relying on the national inventory. She says they really need to replenish the national inventory and the local supply and there is a special need for A negative and O negative.
You can give blood today until 3pm at 405 University Avenue and again tomorrow from 9am until 1pm.
To book an appointment, call 1-888-2-Donate, click here or just walk in to the offices at 405 University Avenue in Millidgeville
The Saint John Police have responded to a few calls for assistance in the past 24 hours.
According to Sergeant Jay Henderson of the SJPD, someone used a large rock to smash out the window of a car in a parking lot of Charlotte Street in the early morning hours. All that was taken was loose change in the center console.
Around 4pm yesterday police also responded to a call about a young man out of control on Alma Street who had assaulted his mother. According to Henderson, the teen was out of control and members had their hands full. He's going to appear in youth court on charges of assault and probation violation--his mother was not injured.
The Saint John Police's Major Crime Unit is investigating home invasion on Newman Street in the North End Thursday night around 8:30pm.
About 3 people were at home when two masked people came to the door with weapons and tried to force their way inside. They demanded prescription drugs but none were handed over.
According to Sgt Magee of the SJPD, one 16 year old youth is already in custody. He's facing charges of robbery, unlawfully entering a dwelling, having his face masked while committing an offence, and breaching his probation. The SJPD are currently looking for the second suspect. There were no injuries.