Play-off tickets for the Saint John Seadogs opening round series against the Rocket go on sale today. The series will get started Friday night at the Station and President Wayne Long tells CHSJNews, they are cautiously optimistic about their chances.
Long adds season ticket holders get first right to renew play-off tickets and right now that sits at 90% which works out to roughly 2000 seats. The Harbour Station Box Office opens at Noon.
Even with little snow to prove it is winter, a sure sign spring is around the corner happens this weekend. We make the leap into daylight savings time with a reminder to set your clock ahead one hour before going to bed. Dr. Rachel Morehouse is a Sleep Specialist with the Horizon Health Network and tells CHSJ News, sleep is something many people take for granted.
Dr. Morehouse adds the loss of an hours sleep does provide some problems in many area's including behind the wheel where this Monday, on average, there are more accidents on the roads because of sleep deprived drivers due to the time change.
Smoke alarms in your home should also be given a fresh battery as the first time change of the year unfolds. Andrew Sanojca is with the Musquash Fire Department and tells CHSJ News, many homes now have fire extinguishers and it never hurts to check the levels.
Sanojca adds a smoke detector is your families first line of defence so along with the fresh battery, make sure you clean away any dust from the unit as well.
Rising property assessments continue to be a hot issue of discussion around the Province. Many home and property owners have seen an increase upwards of 100% since last year. Rothesay Mayor Bill Bishop tells CHSJ News, there is no easy solution to the growing problem.
Bishop adds he has heard from residents including one who just owns a property with no home on it and his assessment has increased 400% from last year.