Despite a concerted effort to save the iconic Paramount Theatre, it met its fate with the wrecker's ball. That sad 8 month process seems to be reaching the end.
It's almost hard to remember what the structure on King Square looked like these days when all that remains now is a gravel pile.
Mayor Mel Norton has said Saint John needs buildings and people not more parking lots and we get that through economic development.
Vacant since 2005, work on dismantling the uptown landmark began on September 18th of last year.
A new report from the Bank of Montreal finds Millennials would pretty much give up anything other than their mobile devices. 73 per cent of young mobile users say they would be lost without theirs and they spend more than 78 hours a month using their device which is more than time spent watching TV.
Half say they would give up their computer rather than their mobile device and 70 per cent would rather do without their TV. Even 33 per cent say they would rather lose their wallet and 46 per cent their keys.
Everyday tasks like using a bank machine can be a confusing and frustrating experience when you're from a foreign country but one immigrant says the YMCA helped make her transition to Canadian life much smoother.
Lila Gurung is originally from Bhutan and was forced to leave her country and fly to Nepal as a refugee. She tells us in 2008 she received the opportunity to move to Canada. Gurung speaking at a YMCA event saying the Y's newly named Newcomer Connections welcomed her and helped her ease into her new life in Canada.
Gurung says she took the New Brunswick Employment Language Training Program offered by the Y where students learn how to work in Canada and is now employed at a restaurant in uptown Saint John.
With an aging population and fewer youth graduating from high school, groups like the Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission are treading unknown territory when it comes to post-secondary education in this day and age.
C-E-O Mireille Duguay says they are only beginning to scope out what needs to be done in that sector, saying there are a lot of questions that are still up in the air. She tells CHSJ News it's a very different population that needs to be served now than in the past, and a lot of changes are happening across the board. A recent report showing Maritime universities experiencing a turnaround when it comes to the number of degrees, diplomas and certificates being granted thanks to more international students coming to the region.
Whether it's a funny fishing trip or a unforgettable family outing, BoatSmart calling on you to post your favourite boating memory on social media.
President Cameron Taylor explains they will make a charitable donation to camps for disadvantaged youth for every share you get. To take part in the national social media campaign simply post your memory along with #BoatSmartMoment. For more information about the organization, click here.
Competition at the National Trivia Championships in Toronto is beginning to heat up. Kennebecasis Valley High School's Reach for the Top team finishing the round robin portion with 8 wins and 6 losses bringing them from 11th place to 6th place. They take on London Central Secondary School at 5pm Atlantic time today in the quarterfinals and the semi-finals and final will be played tomorrow.
K-V High won the national title in 2010 and 2011 and have finished in the top five at all nine of the championships they've attended. 15 teams from across Canada take part in the competition in total.
If you love your job, you'll never work a day in your life, according to the old saying.
According to a new study it looks like 66% of Canadians are pretty happy with their jobs, rating their employers highly for promoting a good work-life balance.
According to a study by Kelly Services, Canadian employers also received high ratings on having responsible work practices, and on their diversity record.
58% of Canadian workers rated their employer highly on giving them meaningful, interesting assignments.