A high flyer with an Alberta Gas company stopping off in the province to talk about the evolution of the oil and gas industry.
Keith Steeves of NAL Resources, tells CHSJ News, when it comes to getting rid of environmental concerns over fracking with shale gas exploration,"you can never alleviate every concern from every person," he says. However, he does say you can create a situation that deals with a lot of the concerns.
"I would say Alberta is a great example. I wouldn't say that we are completely with people that don't have issues, but I would say that it's fairly well known and a common industry, and people are comfortable in terms of what we do from a drilling perspective," he says.
Steeves claims shale gas has the capacity to create thousands of jobs.
When it comes to how many hours you should be spending in dreamland, there is no magic number.
The Medical Director of the Sleep Centre at the Regional Hospital, Dr. Rachel Morehouse says, the question of sleep need is probably the most common question she gets asked.
She tells CHSJ News, the amount differs from person to person and some of it's based on genetics.
"It's quite simple, you need the amount of sleep that will make you feel rested and energetic the day, but that varies between individuals," she says.
She says there are some people at the extreme ends, who may need up to 12 hours of sleep a night, and some who may only need five. Most of us, she says, need about seven and a half.
Saint John Alzheimer Café holding a caregiving and aging Presentation today.
Guest speaker, Dr. Amy D’Aprix is an expert in aging, retirement and caregiving. Much of her work focuses on working with seniors and their caregiving families.
She's the author of two books about caregiving and friendship, and has given presentations across North America.
The presentation being held today at 2pm-4pm, at St. Mark’s Church, in Saint John West.
Stray cats in the city will be getting a cozy home, all thanks to a group in Saint John making cat shelters.
It's the first, "Build a Shelter Campaign," where shelters will be made out of donated supplies such as wood, straw, and rubber totes, and distributed throughout the city.
Yvonne Steeves is the owner of Puddy N' Pooch Palace, a pet resort at 688 Rothesay Avenue. The event is being hosted at the shop today from 10am -5pm. She tells CHSJ News, "Something needs to be done about the stray and feral cats in the city, and unfortunately all of the shelter and reuses are completely full. There's no way to possibly get all the cats off the street."