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Friday, November 6, 2009

Lobster Season Starts on Tuesday

The fall Lobster season begins on Tuesday with 308 boats ready to set sail.
Local fishermen make approximately 35 per cent of their income in the first week of the season.
The season continues until January 15th but, most fishermen finish up by the Holidays.
The fleet sets sail from 22 fishing wharves from St. Martins to Seal Cove on Grand Manan Island on Tuesday at 6am. The fishing communities are not all small coastal villages, Saint John is home to 13 lobster boats.

Salmon Hatchery Not Worried About Swine Flu

The manager of a major salmon hatchery near St Stephen says he's not worried about the threat of the H-1-N-1 flu.
Brian Donnelly of Cooke Aquaculture says he doesn't think it poses any danger to his valuable salmon stock -- he says he's not aware of warm blooded pathogens mixing with cold blooded species and Donnelly says the hatchery has a very strict disinfection program in place a 13-year old cat in the U-S was confirmed having the H-1-N-1 virus earlier this week.
Meantime -- earlier this week a 13-year old cat in the U-S was confirmed as having the H-1-N-1 flu.

Holder Upset about Clinic Location

The Conservative MLA for Saint John Portland is unhappy with the handling of today's H1N1 vaccination clinic at Barrack Green Armouries.
Trevor Holder tells CHSJ News the Health Care workers are doing a phenomenal job with what they had to work with.

Holder says in a modern city in 2009 someone in the Department of Health should be able to come up with a better venue to administer a vaccination.
Holder thinks Harbour Station or the Trade and Convention Centre would have been better sites for today's clinic.

Police Warn About Passing Buses with Flashing Lights

Hampton RCMP want to remind motorist to be careful driving near school buses.
Police investigated two separate incidents recently where motorists ignored the flashing red lights.
It happened in Rowley and within the town limits of Hamptons.
RCMP warn that violators could be fined over $290 for such an offence.

Video Of Today's H-1-N-1 Flu Clinic

Jobless Rate Down in Saint John

The jobless rate in Saint John was down last month but, provincially the numbers went up in October.

The city's rate is 5.2 per cent for last month down from 5.5 per cent back in September.
Around the province, it's gone up from 8.1 per cent in September to 8.5 per last month.
The national rate rose two-tenths of a point to 8.6 per cent.

Hundreds Line Up for H1N1 Clinic Today

(Sherry Graves with her two year old son Garett--Photo By Diane Henry)

(Hundreds snake around the parking lot of the barrack Green Armouries waiting to get a H1N1 flu shot--Photo By Diane Henry)

Cold wet weather didn't keep hundreds of parents with babies in strollers from lining up outside the Barrack Green Armouries this morning for the H1N1 flu clinic. But after a long wait, some mothers stormed out of the parking lot with crying children before getting the vaccination. Sherry Graves was lucky enough to get her nine year old son Brady and two year old son Garett into the clinic after only one hour.

(Debrah Godlewski, Public Health--Photo By Diane Henry)

Debrah Godlewski is the Director of Public Health for the Southern Part of the province. She says they kept long lines of people outside because they didn't want to crowd the inside of the armouries where shots were being delivered. Godlewski says the next vaccination clinics won't take place until late next week depending on when new shipments of the vaccine arrive.

H1N1 Flu Shot Clinic Today in Saint John

At least one man is already lined up to get the highly saught after H1N1 vaccination this morning for his daughter. Public health is holding the H1N1 flu shot clinic at the Barrack Green Armoury from 8:30 this morning until nine tonight. The shots will only be given to those in the priority groups.

The province is experiencing shortages after an initial surge of interest in getting the shot.

Traffic Calming on Heather Way

It looks like speeding as subsided somewhat since the installation of speed humps on a busy East Saint John street. The speed bumps were added to Heather Way earlier this year, after a 79-year old woman was killed by a speeding vehicle on Heather Way last year. Head of the police traffic division, Sgt. Jeff LaFrance, says it's difficult to say exactly how well it's working because monitoring takes time.

Sgt. La France says so far he hasn't received a lot of complaints from residents about the speed humps or speeding.

High Speed Internet Expands to Rural Communities

High speed internet continues to make its way throughout the province as part of a government contract to bring access to all New Brunswickers by July 2010. Barrett Xplore Inc says the most recent area to get wireless and satellite technology is the Hampton region.

11 towers have been built or upgraded recently from Kars to Hampton. Fixed wireless technology was first introduced July 20 in Bouctouche and since then, towers have been upgraded or built to serve several rural counties.

NDP Candidate Announced

Sandy Harding has been named as the nominee to be the NDP Candidate for Saint John East in the September 2010 election. Leader Roger Duguay will introduce Harding during the Nomination Meeting at the Latimore Lake School & Community Centre on Monday.

Harding is an education support worker and President of CUPE Local 2745. Duguay says her passion for the issues makes her an excellent candidate.