A business in East Saint John, serving the area for over 60 years has relocated and re-branded itself.
The property that once housed Vinces Auto Salvage on Grandview Avenue has been purchased by Irving Oil. Vince's then bought Wrecks and merged the two to make MK Auto Recyclers also on Grandview Avenue.
A spokes-person for Irving Oil tells CHSJ News, there are no expansion plans for the refinery or developing the property but the building will be taken down in the coming weeks.
(Peoples Alliance Party Leader Kris Austin) (File Photo)
People's Alliance party leader Kris Austin wants to make sure no government has the power to sell off N-B Power in the future -- so -- he's pitching the idea of making New Brunswickers full fledged shareholders in the provincial utility. Austin floated the promise during a campaign stop in the city -- and -- he tells CHSJ News there are ways to keep power rates in line while paying down the utility's debt load. Austin also suggested his party would provide relief from provincial income taxes for a three year period for new small businesses -- he made the commitment during a noon hour session with the Board of Trade.
It was hoped the Q-Plex in Quispamsis would be open by the middle of November but that has been changed.
Due to LEED Gold Standard testing taking longer than anticipated, the new date is January.1st. Mayor Murray Driscoll tells CHSJ News, he is disappointed by the delay but realizes it is an ambitious schedule and they gave it their best shot. Driscoll adds the LEED Standard testing takes about three weeks to finish and should be carried out by the end of November.
If you've been concerned about why you haven't seen your voter information card in the mail yet, worry no longer. More than 520,000 people around the Province will receive the card in the mail this week. Election Officials say it helps but is not necessary to have the card with you to cast your ballot.
The card how-ever is equipped with a bar-code which will make the voting process go quicker if you have it with you. If you don't have a card or forget it, there will be a seperate station set-up at each polling station to make sure your name is added to the list. For more info, call 1-888-858-VOTE or go to http://www.electionsnb.ca/
An old store on the West Side unveils it's new look on Wednesday. All summer, crews have been taking down the Superstore logo's at the former set-up in the Lancaster Mall to make way for the new No-Frills. It's the second in the Province and one of five stores in Atlantic Canada opening it's doors on Wednesday. A ribbon cutting ceremony will take place at eight in the morning and a cheque will also be presented to the West-Side Food Bank on behalf of the store.
Hampton High School feeling good after a successful fund-raising event over the weekend.
The school teamed up with Downey Ford to host it's Drive One 4 U campaign and raised three thousand dollars for the schools football team. 150 test drives were taken and Downey Ford along with it's parent company donated 20 dollars for each drive.
(Support Workers At Harbourview High) (Photo By Jim Hennessy)
As expected, picket lines are up at schools around the Province as support workers begin a work to rule campaign.
Gabriella Gomez is walking the line in front of Harbourview High School and tells CHSJ News, this is a peaceful action trying to get the word out about their low pay scale and lack of pension benefits.
About three-thousand school support workers are locked in a contract dispute with the provincial government.
The union includes teaching assistants and is raising concern about what effect the job action will have on special needs students.
The RCMP in Grand Bay-Westfield are investigating a bizarre hit and run.
A 22 year old man says he had been drinking at a beach party when when he struck by a car which then was driven off. He then was taken home to Wirral by two people and placed on a couch. The pair then left before police got there.
The man sustained several broken bones, possible internal injuries along with cuts and bruises to his face.
The Mounties are asking anyone who may know something about this to call them or crimestoppers at 1-800-222-tips.
An armed robbery on the east side last night at Little John's Variety on John T. MacMillan Drive off Golden Grove Road.
It happened around a quarter to 9. City Police tell CHSJ News a customer, who just happened to be in the store at the time was robbed of his wallet as well as cash being taken from the till.
You won't have to worry about any more delays at the Chipman Hill Parking garage.
The two week old strike which affected operations at the Delta Hotel and Brunswick Square as well ended over the weekend after 88 per cent of the membership voted in favour of a new 3 year contract agreement.
The President of local 1306 of the United Steelworkers Union, Dave Andrews tells CHSJ News both sides wanted an end to the walkout.
Andrews says the new deal includes what he calls modest wage increase from 8 to 14 per cent.
The Common Front for Social Justice is looking for an action plan from the 5 leaders for reducing poverty in the province.
Linda McCaustlin tells CHSJ News she was most impressed the Green party and N-D-P response.
McCaustlin says they want to see the next provincial government, whoever it is, increase the numbers for social assistance and increase minimum wage faster.
She adds those people living on permanent assistance get only 538 dollars a month while those on certified disability make just over 600 dollars a month. The Common Front estimates that 100,000 people in the provnce live in poverty.
(Quispamsis Liberal Candidate Mary Schryer) (File Photo)
With just over two weeks left to go in the Provincial Election campaign, the Liberal candidate in Quispamsis remains focused on the job at hand. Mary Schryer tells CHSJ News, she has received a good response when campaigning door to door.
Schryer adds if re-elected, part of her mandate is to get a new K to 5 and Francophone schools built in Quispamsis.
(Provincial Conservative Leader David Alward) (File Photo)
Provincial Conservative leader David Alward says he will lay bare the total cost of his party's campaign promises within days - and - in response to a CHSJ News question -- Alward says it will be affordable.
Over the weekend, Premier Shawn Graham announced he will be unveiling the Liberal platform with full costing tomorrow. The Premier also denies speculation about the H-S-T going up after the provincial election.
The New Democrats have been preaching fiscal responsibility during the campaign and have stated they won't support any minority government bent on cutting front line services in education and health care.