(Barry Ogden accepts cheque from Ed Doherty) (Photo Provided)
The Marco Polo Project may be complete sooner than expected thanks to a $20,000 grant from the provincial government.
Ed Doherty, Minister of Supply and Services, presented Project President Barry Ogden with the money so the Ship can be finished this summer.
The Boat is currently being worked on in the West Side, but the masts, rigging, bow sprit and deck can't be completed until the Marco Polo is moved to it's permanent location, which has yet to be decided.
Highway One Westbound traffic will see a major change tomorrow and for several weeks after.
The Crown Street Exit is being shut down and replaced with another just down the highway.
Also starting tomorrow, westbound traffic will be down to one lane near the construction site until the end of next month.
Brad Mullin is an engineer with the Department of Transportation and tells CHSJ News, this is all because of on-going construction of the One Mile Interchange.
Mullin adds if everything stays on target, the job should be finished in late 2012.
Small business owners should prepare for an increase in interest rates.
Mike Murphy of the Bank of Montreal in Saint John tells CHSJ News a change is expected from the low rates right now.
Murphy suggest small businesses should speak to someone about removing or reducing the risk by restructuring debt or securing longer-term interest rates.
Murphy suggests consumers can use BMO's online tool called "Smart Steps" to reduce other bank fees.