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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Provincial Tory Leader Taking No Riding for Granted

[Provincial Tory Leader David Alward---File Photo]

With eight nominated candidates in place around the Province, the Provincial Conservative party is feeling optimistic about it's chances heading into the fall election. In Greater Saint John, Leader David Alward says he is taking no riding for granted:

Alward adds there is excellent interest for several candidates in Greater Saint John.

Common Council Meeting Tomorrow Night

A packed agenda for Common Council tomorrow night.
Councillor Patty Higgins is submitting a request council consider implementing a hiring freeze for all city departments.
Higgins says the reasoning is until the city knows the outcome of the financial implications behind the pension fund, it shouldn't be doing any hiring.
Also on the agenda is how the city plans to launch the Municipal Plan. The goal is to have a copy in the hands of every city resident.
Council gathers Monday evening at 5:30 in the council chambers.

Bullying Being Reported in District 6

[District 6 Superintendent Zoe Watson---File Photo]

More students in District 6 are reporting instances of bullying than before.

Superintendent Zoe Watson says programs aimed at informing students of the importance of coming forward when they are being bullied seems to be working.
Watson says in most cases, incidents generally involve the same students.
Watson says it seems younger children are more likely to report instances of bullying, because older students generally try and solve their problems on their own. She says it would be valuable if all instances were reported to staff---but it's unlikely.

Political Scientist Speculates on Thompsons Next Move

One political scientist suggests the timing of Minister Thompsons resignation may be foreshadowing what is to come.
Don Desserud tells CHSJ News, if you're going to give up a ministerial post, now is the time to do it, to give the new person time to prepare for the opening of parliament.
Desserud says his first reaction was Thompson is stepping aside to be elevated to the upper chamber.
He says if he were a betting person, he would look at Thompsons stock for the next senate appointment rise rather quickly.
Earlier last week, Conservative M-L-A Margaret Ann Blaneys name resurfaced as a possible candidate for the Senate, but Desserud says she's been in the game long enough not to get her hopes up.