A series of round-up's hosted by the Fundy Region Solid Waste Commission are being hailed a success. Staff from the facility set-up in neighbourhood parking lots around Greater Saint John over a span of eight days to take old paint, batteries, motor oil and aerosols.
Spokes-person Brenda MacCallum tells CHSJ News, the response was phenominal especially in the Kennebecasis Valley where 4340 vehicles were serviced with many leaving because of the two hour wait. MacCallum says over the eight day period there were 1200 vehicles in total, 35,000 litres of paint, 6000 litres of motor oil and more than 400 old computers just to name a few.
A very brief court appearance for a 30-year old man accused in the brutal stabbing death of his estranged wife.
A preliminary hearing was scheduled for Jason Getson but he waived it and will remain locked up until his next court appearance.
That is scheduled for November.1st when a date will be set for the beginning of his trial.
Getson is facing a charge of first degree murder in the killing of 28 year old Melanie Getson of Douglas Avenue in the parking lot of a business on Rothesay Avenue May 10th.
One of the closely watched surveys in the vital signs report is poverty rates.
It shows the over-all poverty rate in Saint John fell from 23.3% to 21.7%.
Randy Hatfield is Executive Director of the Human Development Council and tells CHSJ News, of the over 300 people asked about the topic, the survey is meant to reflect a person's gut feeling.
Hatfield says his group will dig deeper once the next cencus is complete but it's no secret Saint John has neighbourhoods that are under seige.
Not alot of details but Hampton RCMP are investigating an alleged assualt that took place on-board a scallop boat in the Bay of Fundy. Officers tell us a 46-year old woman from Gardner Creek claims the assualt happened at the hands of her former boyfriend. Officers are also looking into an incident where two 36 year old Kingston women say they were assualted outside a night-club in Hampton. The women say they were trying to stop another woman, who they felt was drunk, from driving. A 53-year old man from Saint John reportedly got out of the vehicle and assualted both of the women.
(Replica Of Marco Polo Tall Ship Under Construction At Storage Shed) (Photo by Barry Ogden)
It was only going to be a temporary home but along with no permanent berth, the replica of the Marco Polo still has no place to go.
The Saint John Theatre Company citing unresolved engineering questions and a lack of logistical certainty, the musical on the 23rd at Harbour Station will not be using the replica. Barry Ogden, who started the project 25 years ago, says it will still be moved over the Harbour Bridge on the 19th.
Ogden says they are still looking for a location uptown to dock the Marco Polo.
Ogden tells us it's a huge undertaking moving the vessel across the bridge and as far as he's concerned, it's not confirmed that it won't be moved into Harbour Station. Right now, the vessel is docked in a port storage shed on the lower west side.