It's Nutrition Month and the province is reminding you of the link between obesity and cancer.
Over 34 per cent of adults are overweight in the province and 25 per cent are obese when compared to the national average.
Dr. Rejean Savoie of the New Brunswick Cancer Network says research clearly show being overweight or obese increases a person's risk of cancer.
He says it's estimated that 30 to 40 per cent of all cancer cases could be prevented by addressing the risk factors of poor diet, unhealthy body weight and a lack of physical activity.
Health Minister Ted Flemming says since March is Nutrition Month it's an excellent opportunity to New Brunswickers that being overweight or obese increases the risk of cancer.
The cause of a sinking ship in Bridgewater, Nova Scotia appears to be broken pipes. The Canadian Coast Guard found two broken pipes in the engine room of the Cape Rouge.
Senior Response Officer, Keith Laidlaw, says the pipes likely froze and split due to the cold temperatures.
He says the accomodation area and engine room of the ship are covered in oil and needs to be cleaned out.
Laidlaw says they're cleaning up the excess oil because there is potential the vessel could sink again and they don't want to leave it as a pollution threat for the future. He expects the Coast Guard to be on scene for at least another week.
Fundy the Isles Liberal MLA Rick Doucet is attacking what he calls an irresponsible decision to launch the refurbishment of the Point Lepreau nuclear generating station without making a provision for cost overruns.
Energy Minister Craig Leonard says the nuclear power plant provides obvious benefits to people in New Brunswick
Doucet says it's unfair for New Brunswickers to be saddled with that huge financial burden.
More than 45 Saint John Reserve Force soldiers will march down King Street tomorrow.
It's the Freedom of the City Parade, a custom older than Saint John itself. Second lieutenant Adair Howe tells CHSJ News it's a sign of good faith between the city and the military. Afterward, the troops will meet with city representatives, delegates, and the pubic a the Barrack Green Armory. The parade starts at 1pm at the top of king.
The provincial government is investing $60,000 in the New Brunswick Anti-Tobacco Coalition.
Their goal is to help tobacco users quit smoking and dipping. They're particularly concerned about the 20 to 24 age group.
In this province, the number of people smoking in that age group is the second highest in Canada.
The Anti-Tobacco Coalition offers workshops on topics like e-cigarettes, third-hand smoke, and hookahs and also helps local event planners in organize smoke-free outdoor events.
Saint Johners have huge hearts when it comes to helping the sick, injured and those who suffer a loss. It's no surprise that complete strangers are banding together to help a murdered City woman's children.
Connie Mullin tells CHSJ News she didn't know Cindy Irving but heard her nephew Treffery was trying to get home.
She says he needed to be home adding within 24 hours they raised the money for his flight and he's home now in Saint John.
Mullin is part of a group raising money for Irving's children who range in age from 10 to 20 years old.
Cindy Irving's funeral is this afternoon at Forest Hills Baptist Church.
A special weather statement says we're in for some messy conditions on Sunday and Monday.
Environment Canada says a low pressure system approaching from the U.S. East Coast will bring a mix of rain, ice pellets and freezing rain early on Sunday.
It will change to rain later in the day and it as it moves away on Monday it could change to snow before ending late in the day.
Kennebacasis Regional Police, formerly known as Rothesay Regional Police before the name change, making arrests in a recent rash of thefts from vehicles that had been left unlocked.
On March 23rd and 26th, numerous people in Quispamsis and Rothesay called Police to report that prowlers were out and about on their properties and stealing from their vehicles.
Two teenaged boys, 16 and 17, have been arrested with some of what was stolen recovered. The pair will be appearing Youth Court and cannot be identified.
City Police are now poring over the surveillance video from Fundy Coins and Collectables on King Street after a window was smashed out and a large quantity of antique banknotes stolen.
This happened during Wednesday's storm with the whiteout conditions and zero visibility. At first, it was thought the storm has caused the window to break before the theft was discovered.