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Sunday, July 11, 2010

Condos In Rothesay

(Map of proposed development)
(File Photo)

A housing project for Rothesay will be discussed tonight at a public hearing.

Two contractors are looking at building 24 condos on land near Rothesay Elementary School.

The project would make Robertson Drive and Clermont Lane moderate density areas instead of low density areas.

Mayor Bill Bishop says a lot of people are looking to downsize but Rothesay lacks condo style living.

Some initial questions were raised about flooding because of wetspots in the area but the contractors say an engineering firm will be hired to minimize flooding.

Anyone with any concerns can attend a public hearing tonight at town hall starting at 7:00.

Conservation Council Not Happy With Task Force

A recent conference on energy has the province's Conservation Council frowning.

A Task Force was established at the conference and Energy Minister Jack Keir says the goal is to get everyone in the community involved in the energy sector.

But David Thompson with the Conservation Council tells CHSJ News the Task Force only represents people who have profited at the expense of the province in the past. 

He says he didn't hear about any poor people being at the conference, and the environmental network for the province wasn't invited. 

There are 11 community and business leaders on the Task Force including:

Dale Knox...President and CEO of Tabufile Records Management
Mike Ashar...President of Irving Oil Operations
Jim Irving...President of J.D. Irving Limited
Andrew Dawson...Building and Construction Trades Department
Rayburn Doucet...President and CEO of the Port of Belledune
Daniel St. Onge
Gerry Pond...Representing the New Brunswick Poverty Reduction Plan
Leopold Pinet
Eddy Campbell...President of the University of New Brunswick
Clair LePage...Deputy Minister of Energy
Gaëtan Thomas...President and CEO of NB Power

Keir Doesn't Want Saint John Ignored

(Energy Minister Jack Keir)
(File Photo)

Conservative MLA Trevor Holder may think the Bernard Lord government looked after Saint John but Energy Minister Jack Keir doesn't agree.

Keir says he sat on Enterprise Saint John when Bernard Lord was Premier and he wouldn't invest in Saint John's emergency room or a medical school at UNBSJ.

Keir says the reason he got involved in 2006 was because he thought southern New Brunswick was being ignored.

Blaney Says Premier Campaigns

(Rothesay M-L-A Margaret-Ann Blaney)
(File Photo)

Conservative M-L-A Margaret-Ann Blaney isn't sure why the Premier says he isn't in campaign mode.

Shawn Graham said at the Areva announcement last week that an election hadn't been called yet so he's not in the middle of a campaign.

Blaney says the Liberal Party has been running attack ads against her for weeks and you typically don't do that unless an election is looming.

The Money Collector's Show Comes To Town

There will be a lot of extra money in Saint John this week.

Canada's Money Collector's Show is setting up shop at the Trade and Convention Center for three days starting on Thursday.

Geoffrey Bell is the past president of the Royal Canadian Numismatic Association and tells CHSJ News, there is a big crowd of people who buy, sell, trade and collect money both paper and coin.

Bell says there is plenty going on at the show including appraisals of your collectables, an auction and the Royal Canadian Mint will have a display of medals from the Vancouver Winter Olympics.

He adds this is sixth time in sixty years the national organization has come to the Maritimes and the first time in Saint John.

Ironically, the countries first chartered bank was in Saint John on Prince William Street in 1820.

It's free to get in and the show runs until Saturday.

Board of Trade Chair Talks Areva

(Mike Murphy, Chair of the Board of Trade)
(File Photo)

The Chair of the Board of Trade is pleased with the signing of a letter of intent between nuclear company Areva and the Province.

Mike Murphy tells CHSJ News, anytime you can talk about significant job growth and education improvement, it is exciting.

Murphy says if you look at the retail growth in the metro over the past ten years, that has come about because of solid investment like the possibility of a second reactor.

As for the possibility the proposal could fall through if the re-election bid by the Graham Government comes up short, Murphy says he likes to think any party would put job creation before political motivation.