Premier Graham is sure voters are disappointed to hear Saint John MP Rodney Weston's own government has rejected the proposal he put on the table concerning the future of the Harbour Bridge.
A cost-sharing proposal for future maintenance and repairs has been turned down and Graham tells CHSJ News, they are simply looking for the same arrangement on the bridge as the rest of Highway One.
When we asked the Premier if the file is dead, he tells our news-room that is a question best left to MP Weston or Minister Ashfield.
The MP for Saint John is still confident a deal can be hammered out concerning the Harbour Bridge.
Rodney Weston tells CHSJ News, he feels bad the Provincial Government wants the bridge to be treated any differently than any other highway or structure in the Province. Weston adds to set the record straight......there has been no rejection by Ottawa of any proposal concerning the Harbour Bridge just a difference of opinion at this time.
Another plank of the Conservative Party platform has been rolled out and this time it involves public safety.
If elected to power in September, the party pledges to introduce legislation to make it illegal to use a cell phone or text while driving.
Leader David Alward tells CHSJ news, it's time someone showed leadership on this subject. Alward says he was shocked to see a motorcyle in Fredericton the other day, driving with one hand and talking on a cell-phone.
(Crowd at Harbour Station Taking in Opening Ceremonies) (Photo by Jim Hennessy)
With campgrounds and hotels full, no wonder Mayor Ivan Court is sporting such a smile.
The extra revenue comes compliments of the family and friends in the city for the 31st Acadian Games which held it's opening ceremony at Harbour Station last night.
Court tells CHSJ News, it's not only good news now but for down the road as well.
Court is hopeful that endorsement will lead to people coming back for vacations.
Both the Rothesay Regional Police and the City Police are investigating separate break ins on Bradley Lake Road where there are two different jurisdictions.
Rothesay police say several large ticket items were taken from each home last night.
They plan on working with the City Police in the investigation saying it was likely the same person responsible for both robberies.
A deal on the Harbour Bridge between Fredericton and Ottawa seems far off and partisan politics may be too blame.
Saint John MP Rodney Weston told CHSJ News that Ottawa would be responding to the Province's offer on the Harbour Bridge.
Weston said Keith Ashfield would be discussing all aspects of the bridge including cost-sharing refurbishments and removal of the tolls.
A few hours later, Energy Minister Jack Keir told CHSJ News that Keith Ashfield turned down the province's offer on the Harbour Bridge.
Keir says it doesn't make any sense unless it means that MP Greg Thompson's theory is right that fellow MP Keith Ashfield wants to play politics with some of the issues in this province.
A lot of people are pulling into the Rockwood Park Campground for the Canada Day weekend.
This time last year numbers at the campground were down because of the economy and bad weather, but Manager Jeff Spears tells CHSJ news things are looking up.
Spears says this is the busiest they've been in seven years, with 150 sites booked for the weekend, plus what they normally have.
Spears says they've also just opened up the part of the campground that was renovated last year with new showers and utility hook ups to accommodate people coming for the long weekend.