Buyers, beware: the Maritime Better Business Bureau is sending out a warning to shoppers who want to show their support for the Sochi Olympics. Ccounterfeit goods and scams are all over the place.
A recent eBay search turning up a fake Olympic Torch for Sochi 2014 at a cost of $7,000. And if you or someone you know plan on heading to Sochi...the Olympic Committee is sending a similar message about tickets saying if you plan on buying them on a website other than, they strongly reccommend you make sure they're authorized to sell them---otherwise, you could end up buying fakes then then getting turned away at the door.
A Saint John chef will soon be cooking up a storm on your television screen.
Jesse Vergen of the Saint John Alehouse and the Smoking Pig Real BBQ will be appearing on Top Chef Canada. Vergen tells CHSJ News for his audition he cooked wild black duck with periwinkles, foraged sea greens from the Bay of Fundy with cattail salad. It seems he's not too concerned about the speed factor, telling us he's been trained to work fast and tells us anyone who works in the restaurant or hospitality industry knows you don't just walk to a table, you walk briskly. The show premiers on March 10 on the Food Network. You can check out Vergen's audition tape by going to their website.
If you or someone you know is taking lithium, Health Canada wants you to be aware of new safety information and treatment recommendations for the drug.
Lithium is used to treat bipolar disorder, however, taking it can cause high levels of calcium in the bloodstream which may or may not be accompanied by an increased level of parathormone, also known as hyperparathyroidism.
Health Canada is now working with companies to update the product labels for the drugs. If you're on lithium, the federal department says do not stop treatment unless you've talked over the benefits and the risks of your treatment with your doctor.
Seven medications containing lithium are available in Canada.
The University of New Brunswick Academic Senates giving the official green-light to the cancellation of the March Reading Week as a way to make up for time lost due to a more than two week long faculty strike last month, according to reports.
No exams or tests will be held during that time, and a reading day for students has been added the day before the start of exams. Thee deadline for payment of fees for this semester's term courses being extended to this upcoming Friday.
You can find a link to the revised Academic Dates Calender for undergraduate students by clicking here. According to UNB, additional details including academic dates for graduate students will be circulated by email as soon as they are finalized. Follow more updates as they become available by clicking here.