The results of the citizen survey conducted around the city are in. The 39 thousand dollar survey was done by Ipsos Reid and Vice President Heather Shuve says the results are in line with other municipalities for the most part. Shuve says there are some city services that people think the city is excelling at like emergency services like police and fire and garbage collection. Shuve says the results show people want improved services when it comes to wastewater, stormwater, snow removal, and drinking water.
The province is receiving twice as much H1N1 vaccine next week than originally expected.
108 thousand doses are expected to arrive in the province, which will end the temporary shortfall in supply. With the increase of supply, clinics for individuals with chronic diseases will start next week, as well as clinics at nursing homes, and mental health institutions. The general public will be able to get their swine flu shots as of November 30th.
The Premier says a six person independent advisory panel will look at the proposed energy deal with Hydro-Quebec. The individuals which include David Ganong and Elizabeth Weir will offer expert advice to the provincial government about whether the proposal is good for New Brunswickers.
Chairperson David Ganong tells CHSJ News he was very involved in the selection of the panel. He says the goverment rejected some of the names he put forward and they rejected some his suggestions until they found a group they think can work together. It also includes Alison McCain, John McLaughlin, Gilles Lepage and Louis Lapierre. The panel will examine the proposal and submit a report to the premier by mid-January. The report will be tabled in the Legislature sometime in the New Year.
We want to make a correction to the original version of this story that started after noon today.
Sophie Cormier-Lalonde is the spokes-person for Ambulance NB tells CHSJ News, they are in the process of getting paramedics the swine flu shot. There are over 900 paramedics in the Province and some have been working at the H1N1 clinics handing out the shots. Lalonde says like the other priority groups the amount of vaccine the province had was lower than anticipated.
Members of the Saint John Fire Department are being administered the H1N1 shot. The clinics began two days ago and Deputy Chief Mark Gillan tells CHSJ News, most of the department has been vaccinated and they hope to finish up by next week.
Gillan says whom-ever they don't get this week, they will next. The Department was deemed essential by the District Medical Health Officer and Association of Fire Chiefs because of their front line certified medical first responders status.
Hard to believe but t-shirts and shorts continue to dominate most wardrobes in Greater Saint John. Weather over the past three weeks has been more spring like than fall. The normal high for this time of the year is six degree's but so far, of the 20 days on the calendar, 16 have seen temperatures above normal. Meteorologist Claude Cote with Environment Canada tells CHSJ News, it has been drier as well with only 35mm's down so far this month with the average being 135mm's.
That will change today how-ever with rain on way today and tonight. The full three day forecast is comign right up.
(New Look Sobeys Store in Rothesay) (Photo by Jim Hennessy)
There was plenty of excitement leading up to the grand re-opening of the Sobeys store in Rothesay. Renovation work got started back in June and the finishing touches were polished up last night. Store Manager Don Gass tells CHSJ News, today's store is on the site of where a chicken farm once stood.
Over 100 people were lined up to be one of the first to get a peak at the new look store. Several dignitaries were on hand including veterans and Mayors Murray Driscoll and Bill Bishop to cut the ribbon to officially open the store.
The night crew working at the Tim Hortons on Simms Corner had a tough finish to their shift. At 4:15 this morning, a man with a weapon walked into the store and demanded cash from the clerk. She complied and the man ran from the store.
Nobody was hurt and no word on how much money was taken.
Quick action by a City Police officer saved a home in the North End from catching fire. It was just after three this morning, when someone driving by 254 Douglas Avenue noticed the front porch of the home was on fire. City Police were the first on the scene and dashed out the flames with an extinguisher.
City Fire then arrived and hosed down the area for hot spots. At this point, it looks like a cigarette butt in the front planter box may be the cause of the fire.
(Rothesay Residents at Public Hearing) (Photo by Dave Briggs)
Rothesay's municipal plan is up for public review and most residents want to know why the town needs to expand. Jill Wallace says the proposed municipal plan looks alright now with a few exceptions. Some of the concerns from the public include development in the area's of Millenium Drive and questions around why there needs to be development in the town.
Rory Grant says he would like it if council would supply each tax payer with what they are paying for the cost of each new house or development.
The mayor of Rothesay says the municipal plan will be put to a vote at the next council meeting. Bill Bishop tells CHSJ News, after the public review, any new information will be taken into consideration.
Bishop says besides a few residents with concerns over development, the meeting went as planned.
The Opposition Public Safety Critic thinks Municipal police officers in the province should get the H1N1 shot like RCMP officers have. Carl Urqhart is a former police officer and tells CHSJ News, considering the direct contact officers have with prisoners, they should have the vaccine just like health care workers.
Urqhart adds Public Safety Minister John Foran has dropped the ball on this matter.
They have been a hot ticket for a lot of charities and bars in Greater Saint John of late and now the Province has new rules set up around Texas Hold'em Tournaments. Some of the changes include increasing the allowable percentage of gross revenue for prizes and increasing the number of allowable participants per event. Public Safety Minister John Foran says this will promote participation in these events which means charities have the opportunity to collect more money for their causes.
If you want to get a look at all the rules, just go to
The province has honored an agency of the Saint John chapter of the United Way. Pasage which stands for preventing addiction, substance abuse and gambling education, has received the Community Star Award. They are one of eight community groups that picked up the hardware earlier this week at a ceremony in Fredericton.
The award recognizes the groups on-going efforts to prevent substance abuse in Greater Saint John.
Another armed robbery in the city, this time the target was a West-Side business. City Police tell us a man walked into Tim Hortons on Simms Corner at 4:15 this morning with a weapon and demanded cash from the clerk. She handed over what she could grab and the man took off into the darkness.