(City Police Look Over Area Where Man Was Pulled From Lake) (Photo By Jim Hennessy)
A tragic end to the Holiday weekend.
A 21-year old man is dead after drowning at Fisher Lakes yesterday afternoon.
Witnesses tell our news-room it was just after two o'clock when the man was swimming back from the rocks to shore when he started going under.
Despite constant CPR by two gand Bay Westfield volunteer firefighters, the man was pronounced after arriving at the Regional.
Staff Sargeant Tanya LeBlanc tells CHSJ News, they are still gathering information but reminds anyone going swimming in an area with no lifeguard to use caution.
The last shift for on-duty lifeguards was last weekend and that has Mike Benoit who works for the city at the lake shaking his head asking why.
Benoit adds even though all of the city arenas are equipped with one, there is no defibulator at the beach area.
(Waves Hitting The Shore At Saints Rest Beach) (Photo By Jim Hennessy)
Except for kicking up a few waves, bringing some rain and knocking out power for close to 4000 people, Earl turned out to be a non-event for most of the Province.
The humidity had more people talking than anything the track of the storm brought with it.
Saints Rest Beach was closed for safety reasons yesterday morning but re-opened early in the afternoon.
The Fire Department had to re-set several alarms through-out the day due to the humidity but no calls to get water out of basements.
As of 7:30am this morning, NB Power was still working to get six of it's customers in Passekeag and one in Summerville back on the grid.
Saint John Energy was called to stamp out a hydro pole fire on Rothesay Avenue but all damage has been repaired.
City Police report a very calm evening and the Rothersay Regional Force recovered a pair of stolen leaf blowers. One man will appear in court later to answer to charges.
Crews from Saint John Energy and NB Power are in Nova Scotia looking to reconnect homes and businesses to the grid following Tropical Storm Earl.
Both utilities received a call from Nova Scotia Power for some help yesterday afternoon with a combined 21 crews in that Province.
Saint John Energy President Eric Marr tells CHSJ News, looking at the weather pattern here for the next few days, this won't leave them short.
Marr says there is no word on how long the crews will be needed.
NB Power Spokes-person Heather McLean tells CHSJ News, at this point, they too haven't been told how long crews will be in Nova Scotia but are ready to stay until the work is finished.
(New Look For Rockwood Park Entrance) (Photo By Jim Hennessy)
Numbers are up from last year with a strong August being reported at the Rockwood Park Campground.
Manager Jeff Spears tells CHSJ News, he is looking forward to renovation work being carried out on both the entrance to the campground and the duck pond.
Spears adds the renovations done to the entrance of the park and the pavillion are producing positive feedback from visitors knowing that a first impression goes a long way.
With numbers of young voters down coast to coast, Elections NB is trying to get their attention to cast a ballot.
Chief Electoral Officer Michael Quinn tells CHSJ News, they are working on new initiatives including signs on milk cartons along with a Facebook page to get the 67% voter turn-out number up.
Quinn says the 18-25 demographic are on the low end of the voter participation rate.
As the leaves start turning, it's time to think of fall events like the Hampton Envirofair.
The Envirofair will be held at Hampton high on the 25th starting at 11am.
Jennifer Dugay tells CHSJ News in addition to 25 to 30 exhibitors at the school and there are also speakers on a range of topics.
The 2nd annual Locavore banquet featuring local and regional food is being held on the 24th at the Lighthouse River Centre. Tickets will only be on sale until the 17th and for more info go to http://www.townofhampton.ca/content/114407.