It might come a surprise--but letting your kids binge on candy on Halloween night might actually be better for their dental health.
Orthodontist Dr. Lilliya MacKenzie tells CHSJ News letting kids have treats all at once, instead of a little all day long, means you can make sure to brush their teeth afterward and have them drink lots of water.
If you really can't stomach the thought of your kids eating all that sugar, you could try to convince them to strike a deal with the Tooth Fairy and trade cash for treats.
NB Power is reminding customers to watch out for “energy vampires” this Halloween.
5 to 10 percent of your household electricity bill could be due to leaving large electronics like your TV, computer, or DVD player plugged in when not in use. Other devices such as cell phone chargers draw electricity if you keep them plugged in after the charging is done, which is why they often feel warm to the touch. You can prevent this by plugging devices into a single, surge-protected power bar, or unplugging smaller devices like laptops and camera chargers once they are done charging.
Charges will not be laid in the death of Scott Crawford earlier this year.
The 43 year old was seriously hurt after an incident at a West side bar on April 1st.
He died of his injuries in hospital on April 12th.
The Crown Prosecutors office in working with City police have determined they would not likely get a conviction so charges will not be laid in this case.
They have met and informed Scott Crawford's family.
You still have all weekend to try some of the unique restaurant specials being offered for Chop Chop Restaurant Week.
Saint John Alehouse Chef Jesse Vergen tells CHSJ News over the past few years Saint John has become a hub for foodies in New Brunswick, and this event is a great way to showcase some of the new and exciting work chefs in the Port City are doing.
Uptown restaurants have designed special menu items just for this week at a range of price points--it runs until Sunday.
Provincial Energy Minister Craig Leonard calling shale gas opponents "bananas", which he says stands for "build absolutely nothing anywhere near anything", will just create more division.
So claims Provincial NDP leader Dominic Cardy who tells CHSJ News it's not likely to get them over to your side and will only make the debate more divisive.
Cardy says Premier David Alward should visit the First Nations Longhouse across the street from the Legislature even though Chief Candace Paul opposes shale gas exploration. He argues not to do so is not demonstrating leadership.
A 37 year old man has his driver's license suspended indefinitely after being arrested by City Police on Fairville Boulevard for having more than $4700 in unpaid traffic tickets. He has also been charged with driving while prohibited.
A 42 year old woman with more than a thousand dollars of unpaid parking tickets was arrested after being stopped while driving along Chesley Drive. For more info, click here
Kenneth Joseph Johnston appearing in court on charges in connection with a robbery at the CIBC on King Street October 3rd.
Johnston is accused of threatening the teller with violence in order to steal a quantity of cash. He pleaded not guilty to both that charge and another one of possessing marijuana.
His trial is scheduled for a full day on January 6th.
It's a bit of a different look for the normally glassed-in Chipman Hill section of the pedway.
The renovations, when complete, will include using smaller panes of glass in case they crash or leak. In the meantime, the inside connection will be sporting these much less-flashy white boards.
The upgrades will extend the pedway system's life expectancy, which is over 30 years old now, to 75 years.
No word yet on when the renovations will be finished
You'll be paying a bit less for gas if you have to fill up after the weekly setting. The maximum price for self serve regular has decreased by 1.3 cents a litre and diesel is down by 1.4 cents.
The city wants to require landscaping to be part of new developments, get away from all those mobile signs you see around town and reduce parking requirements in the uptown.
It's all part of Zone SJ, the proposed plan to guide future development in the city, an overview of which was presented at the first of four public meetings.
Realtor Don Leblanc, for the most part, likes what he heard but would also like to see the city clamp down on littering.
The city also is aiming to make signage more attractive and get away from all the mobile signs which appear to be getting more prevalent.