Police reports have been filed after four of the picketers outside the Chipman Hill parking garage have been struck by drivers apparently not happy about being held up.
Star Gooden tells CHSJ News she was threatened and run over by a woman yesterday.
Besides the parking garage, picket lines are also up outside the Delta and Brunswick Square.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
New Look Possible For Union Street
The old Union Deli building, across from the Golden Ball, has been sitting idle for far too long according to the building's owner, Hector Train.
He has received approval in principle to set up a pub style restaurant similar to the Portland Pub in the north end.
There are nearby condos a few doors down and Train says he has talked to the owners.
Before final approval is granted by Common Council for rezoning, Train must negotiate hours of operation, noise levels and what sort of entertainment that will be on offer with the city's planning department.
He has received approval in principle to set up a pub style restaurant similar to the Portland Pub in the north end.
There are nearby condos a few doors down and Train says he has talked to the owners.
Before final approval is granted by Common Council for rezoning, Train must negotiate hours of operation, noise levels and what sort of entertainment that will be on offer with the city's planning department.
Another Weather Record Is Shattered In Saint John
For the second day in the row, Saint John has record-breaking heat.
The old record for this date from 1973 of 30.6 was shattered when we hit 32.6 degrees at 3 this afternoon.
You may be noticing a bit of relief now since a windshift caused a significant drop in the temperature from the high 30's to the low 20's around 3 o'clock.
Environment Canada meterologist Linda Libby tells CHSJ News cool air off the Bay of Fundy is responsible for the drop.
Environment Canada and Province's Department of Health have issued a joint health and humidex advisory for Sussex, the K.V., Kings, St. Stephen and Northern Charlotte counties.
The humidex will reach close to 40 degrees by tomorrow afternoon.
Changes On The Way For Enbridge Gas

Cost efficient for the company and the rate-payer.
That is the way a new piece of technology is being presented from Enbridge Gas.
The company is going to install automated meter reading devices on all of it's exsisting and future meters.
Jamie Leblanc is a company spokes-person and tells CHSJ News, no word yet on where the conversion will start.
The new gear will allow the company to read up to 10,000 meters on a single route by driving through a neighbourhood with the equipment mounted on a vehicle.
Enbridge says it will begin converting it's exsisting meters in October with the complete over-haul of the system to take two years.
Dealing With The Heat

Find some shade, drink plenty of non-alcoholic liquids or hang around where there is air conditioning.
Just three of the tips on staying cool from the Regional Health Protection Branch as the Province remains under the sun lamp.
Douglas Walker is Regional Director with the Health Protection Branch and tells CHSJ News, if you have to work outdoors, take plenty of breaks and don't over do it.
Walker adds seniors and infants are the most vulnerable in this heat as they have the most limited heat dissipation mechanisms such as sweat.
City Councilor Speaks About His Role

(City Councilor Carl Killen)
(File Photo)
Carl Killen stepping away from the business of council during the Provincial election was supposed to but never came up during last night's session.
Killen is flying the banner for the Conservatives in the riding of Saint John Harbour and tells CHSJ News, this move should avoid anyone thinking there is a conflict.
Killen says Mayor Court's only concern is he wants to make sure he is present if there is a crucial vote.
Killen is also donating his council salary for the writ period to charity and will miss three meetings in total.
Changes Coming To The Traffic Pattern

The Peel Plaza development will cause big changes with the traffic flow in the vicinity of Union Street this week.
Starting on Thursday, Dorchester Street will be two way and no left turns will be allowed from Dorchester onto Union Street.
Wellington Row will be closed to thru traffic for about 2 months for construction.
The city is warning of congestion, especially during the morning rush hour, with between 5 to 6 thousand vehicles.
The city is also letting drivers know Lancaster Avenue is closed to traffic between Prince and Duke Streets and down to one lane at Dunn Avenue to allow for construction by Saint John Water.
Paving is expected to take place on Thursday and there's also paving in the area of Fundy Drive.
Tories Promise To Double The Number Of Doctors
(Conservative Leader David Alward At The Podium)
(Photo By Gary MacDonald)
Attracting and retaining doctors the focus of an announcement by Conservative Leader David Alward today.
If elected as Premier next month, Alward promises to put several new initiatives in place including doubling the number of doctors being trained in Saint John and Moncton.
The Liberal Government is also vowing to hire 55 more doctors over the next two years.
Alward says it's time to move ahead with more colabrative and family care models.
Alward is also pledging to revamp the existing physician recruitment strategy by setting higher targets and providing regular reports on progress.
Another Traffic Disruption Along Highway One
(Courtesy DOT)
For the second day in a row, the east and westbound lanes near the Crown Street Exit will be shut down for fifteen minutes at two o'clock.
Crews need to blast another area as work on the One Mile Interchange continues.
Also, a large concrete pour for the project begins this morning at seven and is expected to last until tomorrow morning at five. This means additional lighting, equipment and noise will be heard in the area.
For the second day in a row, the east and westbound lanes near the Crown Street Exit will be shut down for fifteen minutes at two o'clock.
Crews need to blast another area as work on the One Mile Interchange continues.
Also, a large concrete pour for the project begins this morning at seven and is expected to last until tomorrow morning at five. This means additional lighting, equipment and noise will be heard in the area.
Common Council Gets Evaluation Of Recreation In The City
(Common Councillor Bruce Court)
(File Photo)
Even though many Saint Johnners may disagree, a study on recreation has concluded the city has an over abundance of facilities.
That study also concluded, however, there isn't enough money to properly maintain them. Chief City planner Ken Forrest says Common Council will have to make some tough decisions.
The city will come up with a master plan for recreation to cover the next quarter century.
Council did approve spending money to buy new equipment, including swings, for the playground on Glen Road which Councillor Bruce Court claimed was in a state of disrepair and he had asked everyone but the Pope to do something about it.
Rockwood Park Sparks Another Clash At Common Council
(Common Councillor Patty Higgins)
(File Photo)
More angry words at Common Council over Rockwood Park........This time between Councillors Donnie Snook and Patty Higgins.
They locked horns over whether the Rockwood Park Advisory Board should be given more time to give its two cents worth as part of the planning study for future development along Sandy Point Road.
Higgins maintains if the land is not in the park, then why should the Advisory Board have an opinion but Snook argued the Advisory Board has as much right to have a say as the Friends of Rockwood Park and it was granted an extension to the latter part of next month.
Health Care To Be Focus of Provincial Election Campaign Today
(Provincial Conservative Leader David Alward)
(File Photo)
Health care is taking center stage on the provincial campaign trail this morning -- both the Liberals and Conservatives have health care related announcements scheduled.
Conservative leader David Alward is rolling out his policy during a stop in Grand Bay-Westfield.
Premier Graham makes his announcement in Fredericton followed by an education related announcement later in the morning in the provincial capital.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Update On Body Found In River

Work continues to piece together who it was found floating in the Saint John River over the weekend.
City Police tell CHSJ News, it will be a few more days before they can identify the body that was spotted by people on the Highland Road in the North End just after four o'clock on Saturday.
Officers says the body is so badly decomposed, it is going to take DNA or dental records to make a positive identification.
Seadogs Like Their Chances For Memorial Cup

The Saint John Seadogs are loving a decision by the Q-League at it's Board of Govenors meeting held over the weekend.
An independent committee will select which Q-League city plays host to the 2012 Memorial Cup.
The team announced it's intention to host the tourney over a year ago.
President Wayne Long tells CHSJ News, their bid is solid.
Long says the Seadogs bid will have to be in to the league office by the end of November with the selction committee to arrive in the city for a site tour in February or March.
Ottawa Announces More Internships
(Saint John MP Rodney Weston)
(Photo by Jim Hennessy)
33 additional internships have been announced through the small business internship program.
This is for University graduates and small businesses in Atlantic Canada.
Saint John MP Rodney Weston says this program funds up to 75% or ten thousand dollars of a salary for 12 weeks.
Weston says this program has proven to be a success since it was launched last year.
Record-Breaking Heat In Saint John Today
You are experiencing record-breaking heat in Greater Saint John today.
Meterologist Linda Libby of Environment Canada tells CHSJ News we broke a 37-year-old record this afternoon.
The old mark was 28.3 set back in 1973 and as of 3 this afternoon we hit the 30 degree mark.
Libby says they will get official confirmation later this afternoon.
She adds the temperatures this week are about 10 degrees above normal.
Conservative Commitment To Small Business
(Saint John Portland Conservative Candidate Trevor Holder)
(File Photo)
Anger....that is what the Conservative candidate for Saint John Portland is being greeted with by small business owners on the campaign trail.
Trevor Holder tells CHSJ News, he has never seen it like this and is vowing to make changes.
Holder says his party is proposing big changes for small business including rolling back the huge tax break for large industry to re-invest in the small business sector.
Provincial Forests Are Dry
It's no surprise to hear the forests in our province are dry given the warm temperatures this summer.
Wildland Fire Prevention Officer Charles Beaulieu tells CHSJ News we are still in better shape than last year with fewer fires and the fires we have are small.
Beaulieu says the forests are dry and some rain in the forecast for this weekend will help out. Most of the province is under a burn restriction and Beaulieu tells us by tomorrow afternoon the entire province will be restricted since the hot weather will stick around.
Wildland Fire Prevention Officer Charles Beaulieu tells CHSJ News we are still in better shape than last year with fewer fires and the fires we have are small.
Beaulieu says the forests are dry and some rain in the forecast for this weekend will help out. Most of the province is under a burn restriction and Beaulieu tells us by tomorrow afternoon the entire province will be restricted since the hot weather will stick around.
Premier Commits Money For Martinon
(Premier Graham campaigning in Martinon)
(photo by Gary MacDonald)
Premier Shawn Graham is committing $750,000 for a new railway overpass on the Westifield Road in Martinon.
The Premier made the commitment during a campaign whistle stop in the suburban area.
City officials say construction will be carried out next year to replace the old narrow bridge.
The road is being upgraded with sidewalks planned but the old bridge presented a roadblock because it's too narrow to handle sidewalks.
Residents in the area have been pushing for the upgrades to improve safety.
Mental Health Issues Pop Up On The Campaign Trail
And he met up with Sherry Branscombe who told the Premier not enough is being done to help the mentally challenged:
The Premier pledged to do his best to help her brother and others like him to which Branscombe said the Premier should make that a mandate promise and Graham said he was going to do that.
Graham continued his main streeting stopping for lunch at Market Square before heading to other Saint John area ridings.
Graham Speaks In King Square On Job Creation
Job creation and re-organizing Business New Brunswick.....two highlights of a speech delivered by Premier Graham today in Kings Square. Graham says the Conservative plan of splitting the department's duties and creating a new agency called InvestNB has been tried before and won't work:
He says within 18 months they recognized the importance of putting it back together.
He calls it an important tool for creating jobs saying Business New Brunswick is responsible for half of the 10,000 new jobs in the Province.
Graham says a new unit within Business New Brunswick, a business development agency, would be established to focus on creating high-paying jobs in high-growth sectors like information technology, biosciences and oil and gas.
He says within 18 months they recognized the importance of putting it back together.
He calls it an important tool for creating jobs saying Business New Brunswick is responsible for half of the 10,000 new jobs in the Province.
Graham says a new unit within Business New Brunswick, a business development agency, would be established to focus on creating high-paying jobs in high-growth sectors like information technology, biosciences and oil and gas.
Cash For Waste-Water In Quispamsis

The Liberals are committed to paying a third of the price tag for Quispamsis to connect their wasterwater collection system to Wildwood Park.
Mayor Murray Driscoll tells CHSJ News they've been trying to get this funding since September 2009, but they had to get ownership of the facility in Wildwood Park before moving forward.
Driscoll says the project will allow for more homes to open up in the area without the threat of the current facility in Wildwood park operating inefficiently.
The Province's share of the cash is conditional to Ottawa committing a third of the funding.
The Ex Opens Today At Exhibition Park
It's the final week of August and that means new events and plenty of old favourites are set up for the Saint John Ex. Exhibition Association President Blair MacDonald tells CHSJ News, along with new rides and events through-out the four days, there will be a lumberjack show.
MacDonald adds they changed the name because the Atlantic National Exhibition seemed a bit grand. Admission to the midway is free and everyday is bracelet day.
The EX is here until Friday and the gates open daily at noon starting tomorrow with a fireworks display as well starting at ten.
MacDonald adds they changed the name because the Atlantic National Exhibition seemed a bit grand. Admission to the midway is free and everyday is bracelet day.
The EX is here until Friday and the gates open daily at noon starting tomorrow with a fireworks display as well starting at ten.
Highway Traffic On East Side To Be Disrupted
It won't be for long, but there will be a major traffic snag on Highway 1 today. The Department of Transportation is closing down both the eastbound and westbound lanes on the highway near the Crown Street off ramp.
The closure will take place at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and will last for about 15 minutes while blasting takes place for the One Mile House Interchange project.
You can expect noise and delays and drivers are encouraged to take alternate routes.
The closure will take place at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and will last for about 15 minutes while blasting takes place for the One Mile House Interchange project.
You can expect noise and delays and drivers are encouraged to take alternate routes.
Common Council To Receive Petition Tonight From Friends Of Rockwood Park
(Entrance To Rockwood Park)
(File Photo)
Common Council will be receiving a petition tonight with more than 2 thousand names on it opposing development within Rockwood Park against the backdrop of uncertainty over where the boundary is. The petition was circulated by the Friends of Rockwood Park.
Despite all the controversy, improvements are continuing within the park. Project Manager Peter Hanlon tells CHSJ News the bridge by the duck pond has to be redone and causeway opened up a bit.
Hanlon calls the concentration of ducks in such a small area to be an environmental mess and warns feeding them is actually making matters worse.
Teachers Are Back In School In District 6
(District 6 Schoolboard Superintendent Zoe Watson)
(File Photo)
The students may still be at home, but it's back to school for the teachers today in District 6.
Superintendant Zoe Watson says the teachers will be kept busy attending Development Days and says motivational speaker Ron Morrish is returning to present to them on student discipline.
Watson says Morrish will also be giving parents advice tonight at 7:00 in Sussex Regional High school and on Wednesday night at 7:00 in Kings Valley Wesleyan Church.
District 8 Getting Schools Ready For Next Week's Opening
(District 8 Schoolboard Superintendent Susan Tipper)
(File Photo)
School supplies and new clothes are essential when heading back to school but their classrooms have to be ready for them.
District 8 Superintendent Susan Tipper tells CHSJ News has some of the oldest infrastructure in the Province so the work is costly and time consuming.
Tipper says one of the biggest challenges for the district was when a transformer blew at Forest Hills school leaving it without power for a while but, it has since been fixed and the school will be ready when classes start next week.
Tipper adds they are also working to make every school in the district wheelchair accessible.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
3rd Annual Learn and Go Program
A program to give neighbourhoods with low income a chance to learn a skill and choose a project is underway for a third year.
It's called Learn and Go and spokes-person Bonnie McGraw tells us, all five of the priority neighbourhoods in Greater Saint John are taking part.
Projects that have been completed in the first two years include better bus access to the health center on the West Side and improved lighting in some neighbourhoods.
It's called Learn and Go and spokes-person Bonnie McGraw tells us, all five of the priority neighbourhoods in Greater Saint John are taking part.
Projects that have been completed in the first two years include better bus access to the health center on the West Side and improved lighting in some neighbourhoods.
Powered Seating At Saint John Airport
Convenience is coming to the Saint John Airport in the form dual power-USB outlets.
Twenty spots with-in the terminal will allow passengers to use these seats to power up their electronics in the arrivals, departures, restaurant, and public waiting areas.
Airport officials expect the work to be finished by the middle of next month.
Cruise Ship Greeters Needed
If you'd like to get involved with the cruise ships that are rolling into Saint John, the Trinity Church is in need of volunteer greeters.
Jim Brittain tells us 52 ships are expected to come to port between the end of August and late October.
Brittain says the people that normally serve as greeters have work-terms that expire at the end of August, which is why there's a need now.
He says all volunteers are expected to do is answer questions and hand out information brochures.
For more information call Jim Brittain at 333-9523 or email jmb@nb.aibn.com.
Jim Brittain tells us 52 ships are expected to come to port between the end of August and late October.
Brittain says the people that normally serve as greeters have work-terms that expire at the end of August, which is why there's a need now.
He says all volunteers are expected to do is answer questions and hand out information brochures.
For more information call Jim Brittain at 333-9523 or email jmb@nb.aibn.com.
Strike At Brunswick Square
(Photo by Sherry Aske)
After trying to hash out an agreement with their company for six days, workers with Local 1306 are on strike.
Ron Arseneau is the Union Griever for Delta Brunswick and Brunswick Square and tells us they took to the picket line at 8am Saturday Morning.
Arseneau says the strike affects the whole Brunswick Square Complex as well as the parking garage and includes everyone from maintenance workers to restaurant servers.
Arseneau says their housekeepers are doing 16 rooms a day for 10.86 an hour, and with minimum wage going up, that has to change.
He says the union is open to talks at all times and they're hoping the strike won't last long, but says it's up to the company.
Alward On Business New Brunswick
(File Photo)
If elected in September, Conservative Leader David Alward says he'll attract new jobs to the province by making real changes at Business New Brunswick.
Alward says Liberal Leader Shawn Graham has used BNB as his personal political piggy-bank and he spent taxpayer’s money on failing businesses like ATCON, luxury golf courses and bailouts.
Alward says he'll create a new crown corporation called InvestNB, that's led by a private sector board of business leaders, to develop the economy.
Man Assaulted Outside The Studio
Police also looking into an assault.
A man was found unconscious outside the Studio Club on Sydney Street at 1:20 in the morning.
Police say his head was seriously injured and he is still in hospital.
The Major Crime Unit looking into that as well.
A man was found unconscious outside the Studio Club on Sydney Street at 1:20 in the morning.
Police say his head was seriously injured and he is still in hospital.
The Major Crime Unit looking into that as well.
Body Found In Saint John River
(Photo by Doug Epton)
City police retrieving a body from the water yesterday afternoon.
Police got word a body was floating in the Saint John River near Highland Road just after 4 o'clock.
The Water Rescue Unit was sent out and the Major Crime Unit is investigating.
The body has not been identified yet.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Saint John Business Man Dead
(File Photo)
The Saint John Business community is mourning the loss of a friend.
William Walsh, owner of Walsh Luggage in Market Square has died at the age 78 at the Regional after a short illness.
Walsh started his business career in Nova Scotia but made his was to the Port City in 1965 and along with operating the business, drove a school bus and sold diesel trucks.
Visitation is Sunday at Fundy Funeral home between 2-4pm and 7-9pm with the funeral scheduled for Tuesday afternoon in Nova Scotia.
Dragon Boat Festival Is Back
The sixth annual Dragon Boat Festival goes today on the Kennebecasis River at Renforth Wharf.
Spokes-person Jill Logan tells CHSJ News, there are 44 teams entered.
Logan says all monies raised this year will go toward minimally invasive spine surgery equipment for the extended day surgery program at St. Joseph's Medical Center.
In the first five years, the event has raised over $1.25 million dollars.
Spokes-person Jill Logan tells CHSJ News, there are 44 teams entered.
Logan says all monies raised this year will go toward minimally invasive spine surgery equipment for the extended day surgery program at St. Joseph's Medical Center.
In the first five years, the event has raised over $1.25 million dollars.
Independent Firm To Look Into Allegation
An independent firm will be responsible for looking into allegations stemming from the 2006 provincial election.
Mike Quinn, the province's chief electoral officer says there's an allegation that someone may have breached the Political Process Financing Act by making unreported cash payments during the previous campaign.
Quinn made the decision to hand the case over to a third party after meeting with the auditor general.
He says he doesn't want his office to loose focus on delivering a voter-oriented election, and says the investigation should be done by an independent team in a timely manner.
Mike Quinn, the province's chief electoral officer says there's an allegation that someone may have breached the Political Process Financing Act by making unreported cash payments during the previous campaign.
Quinn made the decision to hand the case over to a third party after meeting with the auditor general.
He says he doesn't want his office to loose focus on delivering a voter-oriented election, and says the investigation should be done by an independent team in a timely manner.
Is A Federal Election Looming?
(File Photo)
Now that they ""official"" campaign is underway for the Provincial vote next month, there continues to be chatter about a Federal Election in the spring.
Saint John MP Rodney Weston tells CHSJ News, since being elected back in 2008, the rumblings of an election haven't stopped.
He says a lot of the speculation comes from political pundits but when it comes from the opposition, then it needs to be taken seriously
Weston adds if and when the Federal election writ is dropped, he is ready to stand by his record and let voters be the judge of the service provided.
Car Tires Fuel Suspicious Fire
City fire crews responding to a fire at First Stop Auto on the corner of Adelaide and Metcalf Street last night.
District fire chief Gerry Morris says flames were coming from the back of the building when crews arrived on scene just after 12:30 in the morning.
He says the fire was being fed by discarded car tires that were piled at the back of the building and then it entered the building through the roof.
Crews were on scene for 2 and a half hours.
Morris says the building did sustain damage but should be open for business on Monday.
He says the cause of the fire is suspicious at this time.
District fire chief Gerry Morris says flames were coming from the back of the building when crews arrived on scene just after 12:30 in the morning.
He says the fire was being fed by discarded car tires that were piled at the back of the building and then it entered the building through the roof.
Crews were on scene for 2 and a half hours.
Morris says the building did sustain damage but should be open for business on Monday.
He says the cause of the fire is suspicious at this time.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Light Pole Knocked Over In Accident
(Photo taken by a Road Warrior)
An accident at the intersection of McAllister Drive and Westmorland Road causing some havoc for drivers.
Traffic lights are off at the busy intersection and one light pole has been knocked down completely.
No one was injured, but still no word on when the lights will be back up and running.
New Appointment At Irving Oil
(President Of Irving Oil Limited Mike Ashar)
(File Photo)
Mike Ashar has been appointed President of Irving Oil Limited.
He is responsible for all aspects of day-to-day management of the company.
Arthur Irving Sr. will continue in his role as Chairman.
Prior to this, Ashar was in charge of several operating units.
Update on Premium Gasoline Mix-Up
It seems there has been a problem with Irving Oil gasoline longer than first expected.
The company has completed it's review of off-spec premium gasoline which was necessary after a malfunction at one of the loading racks at the Refinery.
Octane levels have been lower than expected since the beginning of 2008 but to a significantly lesser extent than this year.
Beginning on Monday, anyone who believes they paid for premium gasoline but did not get it can file a claim by going to www.irvingoil.com with the deadline set for September 10th.
Irving Oil will then review all the claims and make sure everyone who is in line for a refund receives it.
RCMP Warn About Making Online Purchases
A warning from Sussex RCMP after a person there was selling an item on the internet where a vendor was in contact with a buyer and a price was agreed on.
The buyer sent the vendor a cheque for more than $2200 over the purchase price with instructions to cash the cheque and send the money and the item to an address with a post office box number.
RCMP warning the public when paying for something online they should use a certified cheque or money order for the exact amount of the purchase price.
The buyer sent the vendor a cheque for more than $2200 over the purchase price with instructions to cash the cheque and send the money and the item to an address with a post office box number.
RCMP warning the public when paying for something online they should use a certified cheque or money order for the exact amount of the purchase price.
GeoPark Site Evaluation Draws Closer
(Chair of the StoneHammer Project Bill Merrifield)
(Photo By Jim Hennessy)
Excitement is building in anticipation of next week’s visit of the Global Geopark Network Evaluators.
Saint John is looking to be established as the first in North America.
Chair Bill Merrifield tells CHSJ News, we live around wonderful things all are life but until it is underlined, we don't take notice.
Merrifield says the tour will include an aerial view of the entire 2500 square kilometers of the geopark Monday morning with a final decision expected in November.
Drug Raid In The North End
A raid last night by City Police has taken more dope off the streets of the North End.
It was at 8:30pm when officers entered a home on Albert Street and found five grams of crack cocaine which has a street value of one thousand dollars.
A teenager has been charged with possession for the purpose of trafficking but has been released to one of his parents but no word on a court date.
Officers say further charges are possible.
Store Window May Have Been Smashed For A Third Time
(A broken window at the Fortune Market on King Street)
(photo by Tamara Steele)
For possibly the third time, the window of the Fortune Market on King street has been smashed.
The owners reported the property damage on Wednesday which happened sometime overnight.
It appears to be smashed again today.
Sargeant Pat Bonner tells CHSJ News Wednesday's damage may have been result of a fight where someone was pushed into the glass breaking the first pane since no glass was found on the street.
The owners telling police on Wednesday they had just had the glass replaced two days before which runs about $500 dollars each time.
Giving Alcohol To Minors Comes With A Stiff Fine
Crime Stoppers and NB Liquor teaming up to raise awareness about adults providing alcoholic beverages to minors.
Some adults think they're doing a favour for a young person by buying them alcohol but, it is illegal and can result in a substantial fine.
Under the Liquor Control Act, the fine for a first offence is $292.50 and repeat offenders can be fined up over 5,000.
Crime Stoppers will pay up to $2,000 for information leading to the arrest of people supplying alcohol to anyone under 19.
For more info, call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS.
Some adults think they're doing a favour for a young person by buying them alcohol but, it is illegal and can result in a substantial fine.
Under the Liquor Control Act, the fine for a first offence is $292.50 and repeat offenders can be fined up over 5,000.
Crime Stoppers will pay up to $2,000 for information leading to the arrest of people supplying alcohol to anyone under 19.
For more info, call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS.
Geopark Evaluators Arrive In Saint John Next Week
It's almost time to find out whether or not the Greater Saint John Area will become the next geopark. A geopark is an area with geological heritage and sustainable development. The Global Geopark Network Evaluators arrive next week, and to prepare for their visit Saint John will be raising the Stonehammer flag today in front of City Hall.
Project Chair Bill Merrifield told CHSJ News in July that evaluators want to make sure this application is coming from the ground up and not the top down. He says they'll be looking for high quality, first class geosites.
Project Chair Bill Merrifield told CHSJ News in July that evaluators want to make sure this application is coming from the ground up and not the top down. He says they'll be looking for high quality, first class geosites.
Paula Waddell Wins Alpine Country Star
(Alpine Country Star Winner Paula Waddell)
She was crowned the winner of the Country 94 singing competition in last night's finale at a jam packed Market Square Boardwalk.
Waddell wins 5000 dollars cash while runner up Neil Wheaton walks away with 1000 dollars.
The show featured the band Sidekick and last year's winner April Delong.
Police Nab Drinking Drivers East And West
City police arresting two impaired drivers overnight, one on the east side and the other west.Two men facing charges of mischief after a mailbox was thrown through the window of the commissionaire's office on Prince William Street.
Both released on the condition not to return to the uptown bar district between 9pm and 3am because they had been drinking.
Both released on the condition not to return to the uptown bar district between 9pm and 3am because they had been drinking.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Elections NB Updates Sign Controversy

Elections NB continues to gather information into whether campaign signs were put up in three communities hours before they were allowed to.
Under the spotlight is Saint John Lancaster Liberal Abel Leblanc, a Conservative candidate in Nigadoo-Chaleur and one in Moncton Cresent.
The rule states no campaign signs can go up until after midnight.
Elections NB spokes-person Paul Harpelle tells CHSJ News, he doesn't feel this gets the campaign off to a bad start.
Harpelle adds there are several measures they can take for punishment including a fine, but it's very clear the campaign signs in all three ridings did go up early.
A decision into the matter is expected with-in days.
Country Star Wraps Up Tonight On The Boardwalk
The fourth year of Country 94's Alpine Country Star comes to an end tonight, rain or shine. After nine weeks of competition the winner will finally be announced and it's down to Paula Waddell and Neil Wheaton. The winner takes home the title and $5000 dollars, while the runner up gets a cheque for $1000 dollars.
The finale will feature some audience favourites from this year as well as Sidekick and last year's Star, April Delong. Things get started at 8 o'clock on the Boardwalk.
The finale will feature some audience favourites from this year as well as Sidekick and last year's Star, April Delong. Things get started at 8 o'clock on the Boardwalk.
Charges Laid In Break And Enter
Charges are being laid after a break and enter near the Sandy Point Road last night.
Two 21-year old men and one 38-year old man are being charged with break and enter and violation of probation.
They'll be back in court on November 10th.
Two 21-year old men and one 38-year old man are being charged with break and enter and violation of probation.
They'll be back in court on November 10th.
Conservative Candidates on the Hustings
Two Conservative Candidates in Greater Saint John are getting their campaigns jump-started this afternoon.
Glen Tait in Saint John East is hosting a dessert party at the Loch Lomond Villa starting at 6:30pm.
Out in the Valley, Quispamsis Conservative Candidate Blaine Higgs is openign the door of his headquarters at the former Lane Furnishing building on Millenium Drive.
Things get started at 4:30pm.
Glen Tait in Saint John East is hosting a dessert party at the Loch Lomond Villa starting at 6:30pm.
Out in the Valley, Quispamsis Conservative Candidate Blaine Higgs is openign the door of his headquarters at the former Lane Furnishing building on Millenium Drive.
Things get started at 4:30pm.
Lancaster Conservative Candidate Files Grievance
A grievance has been filed with Election NB by the Conservative Candidate in the riding of Saint John Lancaster.
Dorothy Sheppard's camp is claiming Able Leblanc and his team were putting out campaign signs last evening, before the writ was officially dropped at midnight.
Sheppard's campaign manager Lisa Ferguson tells CHSJ News, the entire team is disappointed by the move.
Ferguson says Sheppard is disappointed by the move but continues to concentrate on her campaign.
Liberal Campaign Chair Evaluates The Race

(Liberal Campaign Co-Chair Roly MacIntyre)
(File Photo)
Liberal campaign co-chair Roly MacIntyre tells CHSJ News he expects some of the barbs delivered by the Opposition over the summer will heat up on the campaign trail.
MacIntyre is expecting some tight races especially in the Saint John area -- but -- he says his party has a solid slate of candidates who have been told to campaign like they're running behind the pack.
Peoples Alliance Unveils Campaign Slogan
""Real People, Real Change.""
That is the campaign slogan for the Peoples Aliance Party revealed now that the official election campaign is underway.
Party Leader Kris Austin says it's a direct and honest message just like every piece of work his party tries to approach.
The Peoples Alliance is the newest party on the political scene, born out of the hatred spawned when the Graham Government attempted to sell assets of NB Power to Hydro Quebec.
Golf Sign Is Stolen
Its hard to imagine why anyone would but the main sign at the Welsford Golf Course has been stolen.
RCMP tell us it reads ""Welsford Golf Club--Public Welcome 2 for 1 Tuesdays."" and was taken earlier this week.
The sign is four feet by three, weighs 70 pounds and is white and green in color.
RCMP tell us it reads ""Welsford Golf Club--Public Welcome 2 for 1 Tuesdays."" and was taken earlier this week.
The sign is four feet by three, weighs 70 pounds and is white and green in color.
New Addition To City Skyline
The city's waterfront skyline has a new addition -- a large construction crane now towers over the Harbourfront Residences condo project near the Three Sisters Lamps at Water and Prince William Streets.
The crane will be used in construction of phase one of the project which see 81-new condo units completed by next summer.
Developer John Rocca told CHSJ News earlier this year most of the units have been presold with marketing underway to sell the remaining units.
Rocca says no date has been set for the start of construction on phase two of the project.
City Police Arresting Two After Uptown Assaults
City police arresting two men after two assaults in the bar district last night.
The men were released with the condition that they not return to the bar between 9pm and 3am.
Both men will be in court today to face charges.
Police also arresting four men in connection with a break and enter near the Sandy Point road.
The men were released with the condition that they not return to the bar between 9pm and 3am.
Both men will be in court today to face charges.
Police also arresting four men in connection with a break and enter near the Sandy Point road.
Gas Prices Down Slightly
The price of gas is down slightly after the weekly setting.
The maxium price for regular self-serve is 97.2 while diesel is going for 102.8 and heating for 86.7 both unchanged from last week.
The maxium price for regular self-serve is 97.2 while diesel is going for 102.8 and heating for 86.7 both unchanged from last week.
Elections NB Is Ready For The Campaign
We know the politicians are ready for the race and Elections NB officials appear to be in good shape as well. Chief Electoral Officer Michael Quinn tells CHSJ News, a fixed election date certainly takes the suprise element out of the equation:
Quinn says the advance poll voting will be held on the 18th and 20th of next month and any of the parties have until September.7th to file papers for a candidate to be in the race.
Quinn says the advance poll voting will be held on the 18th and 20th of next month and any of the parties have until September.7th to file papers for a candidate to be in the race.
The Newest Party Is Ready For The Campaign
Being new to the Provincial political scene isn't slowing down the Peoples Alliance Party. Leader Kris Austin tells CHSJ News, five months ago, this party was nothing more than a thought:
He says they have come a long way since the party started as a conservation about how bad things are in the Province.
Austin says he would love to see the party capture several seats but knows realistically, that one is more than they had in the last election.
He says they have come a long way since the party started as a conservation about how bad things are in the Province.
Austin says he would love to see the party capture several seats but knows realistically, that one is more than they had in the last election.
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