(Veterans Arriving for Ceremony in Kennebecasis Valley)
(Photo by Jim Hennessy)
A full house at the Weslyn Church for the Rememberance Day Ceremony in the Kennebecasis Valley. Both Rothesay and Quispamsis combine their efforst to honor those soldiers who have and continue to serve. Petty Officer William Aves served in the North Atlantic between 1942 and 45 and tells CHSJ News, it's a day that brings back a flood of memories but it's wonderful to see so many come out and honor the memory of those who never made it home.
Agnes Hunt was on hand in memory of her husband who served over-seas between 1939 and 42. She reminds those who have loved ones currently serving to keep the faith. Several dignitaries were on hand as well to lay wreaths on behalf of the Provincial and Federal governments including Senator John Wallace and Health Minister Mary Schryer.