(Damaged Headstones at St. Josephs Cemetery)
(Photo by Jim Hennessy)
So far, 35 of the close to 500 headstones damaged last weekend at St. Josephs Cemetery have been repaired.
Crews have been lifting and re-sealing the stones to their bases and some may never be put back to their original state.
Manager of the Saint John Diocese Cemeteries Darryl Olsen tells CHSJ News, they have had plenty of offers for help which is welcome but not needed at this point.
Olsen says he can appreciate that many families have put the stones back on their base but asks them not to because they need to be re-sealed.
As for when they might be finished, Olsen expects the work will continue for several weeks. Crime Stoppers is offering a one thousand dollar reward for any information relating to who knocked over the stones.