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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Controversial Housing Development Approved

(Common Council Meets)
        (File Photo)

A controversial housing development in Lakewood Heights has been approved by Common Council. The original proposal called for construction of 130 homes. That has been downsized to 10 duplexes but Peter Waller of Lakewood Avenue says the residents are already having problems with flooding and sewage backing up so why add to their miseries. Waller argues the pumping station, built back in 1980, can't handle any additional load.
Chief City Planner Ken Forrest came out strongly in support of the new housing saying the provision of water and sewage services is expensive and the city has to get the biggest bang for its buck. The residents fear there will be more development later on and Forrest does say these subdivisions were built with the intent to expand down the road.