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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

City Police Say They Won't Tolerate Mischief Makers Inside Rockwood Park

         (Entrance To Rockwood Park)
                      (File Photo)

City Police are cracking down on those people who are in Rockwood Park after hours.

According to the beach bylaw, it is illegal to be in the park after 10:00 at night. Six people were arrested early this morning at Fisher Lakes.

Police say there have been thefts, damage and mischief. Someone cut the ropes at the swimming area which indicate the deepness of the water.

Trees were damaged for firewood. A porta potty was overturned. Picnic tables were thrown the water and there was a breakin reported.

A consultant has told the city the park is too isolated after dark and that's one reason why the city is looking at some residential development along Sandy Point Road adjacent to the park.