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Friday, July 16, 2010

Deputy Mayor Critical Of How Common Council Spends Taxpayer Dollars

              (Deputy Mayor Stephen Chase)
                  (Photo by Brian McLain)

Deputy Mayor Stephen Chase is skeptical growth in Saint John will continue at the pace it has over the past few years and this could adversely affect the city's tax rate and what money will be available for roads which drivers in the city never tire of complaining about. Chase maintains Common Council has not been spending taxpayer dollars wisely and points to a report prepared by the head of municipal operations for the city, Paul Groody who says at least 25 per cent of roads in the city have to be rebuilt.
Chase says he is also worried about a 13 per cent in new housing starts with housing completions off by 58 per cent as compared to last year. He is also dubious about Common Council having the fiscal discipline to restrain spending next year.