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Monday, July 12, 2010

Replica Of Marco Polo Could Be Used As Set For Musical

(Barry Ogden Of Marco Polo Project)
               (File Photo)

It might be a bit of a challenge but those people who go to Harbour Station in late October to see the Saint John Theatre Company perform a musical about the Marco Polo might also be able to get a gander at the replica of the tall ship itself. The chief organiser of getting the replica built, Barry Ogden couldn't be happier. He says there are six companies who say they can bring the tall ship over the harbour from the lower west side and he has been told it is possible to get it inside Harbour Station.
They're just about ready to get on with the painting but are still waiting to hear about where it will be permanently anchored along the waterfront. Ogden tells CHSJ News, if need be, the ship could be wrapped up for the winter.