Friday, October 15, 2010
Saint John M-P Frustrated Over Delays In Lepreau Refurbishment
(Saint John M-P Rodney Weston)
(File Photo)
Premier David Alward and Energy Minister Craig Leonard will be meeting with officials of Atomic Energy of Canada next week to talk about who's going to pay what for the replacement power while the Point Lepreau generating station is offline. It's costing the province a million dollars a day.
Saint John M-P Rodney Weston is frustrated by the continuing delays and frankly admits there have been too many screwups.
Weston says he's urging the new provincial government to do whatever it can to protect the financial interests of ratepayers but adds you have to distinguish between the cost overruns and replacement power.
According to the contract, the cost overruns will not be borne by New Brunswick ratepayers but the issue in dispute is the cost of replacement power.