Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Speed Limit To Be Reduced Along Loch Lomand Road
(Saint John Common Councillor Joe Mott)
(Photo by Brian McLain)
Common Council voting to reduce the speed limit along much of Loch Lomand Road by 10 kilometers an hour to 60 clicks and hour but not everyone is in favour.
Councillor Donnie Snook voted against saying there are no sidewalks for the most part and he doesn't see many people walking along the road.
Councillor Patty Higgins voted in favour says Loch Lomand Road has 2 per cent of the city's traffic but 4 per cent of the crashes that take place around town happen there.
Councillor Bruce Court is also in favour of the lowering the speed saying its dangerous to be going too fast near the entrance to the oil refinery when big tanker trucks are pulling out.
Another east side council member, Joe Mott predicts plenty of speeding tickets will be handed out once the change is made.