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Monday, March 28, 2011

Report Reveals Some Improvement For The Homeless In Greater Saint John

There are pluses and minuses in the 3rd report on Homelessness in Greater Saint John.

While 76 more people are stayed in shelter beds last year as compared to 2009, there are four more food bank/meal programs available for the people who the need the help. The report's findings released today a Grace Presbyterian Church which has its own shelter.

Mark Leger of the Human Development Council tells CHSJ News over the last year, the Saint John churches have really stepped up to help out.
Leger says it's the engagement of area churches not only from a volunteer standpoint but an organizational one where a small committee of church members started their own shelter.  For the last three months, 30 homeless men have been escaping the bitterly cold temperatures in the "Out of the Cold" shelter at Grace Presbyterian Church.

It will close this week and they plan to reopen next winter.
To have a look at the report, click here