Provincial Court Judge Bill McCarroll says 90 per cent of the cases that come before the courts involve the abuse of drugs and alcohol. The Judge made the observation while sentencing two armed robbers to prison terms.
A 20 year old Champlain Heights man has been sentenced to 5 years in prison after pleading guilty to committing 3 armed robberies along with 9 charges of stealing gas and having his face concealed during the holdups.
Lucas Bradley Hebert held up two Petro Cans, one on Bayside Drive and the other on Loch Lomand Road along with a convenience store on Hickey Road.
The court was told he had no previous criminal record but developed a severe addiction to painkillers. The court was also told Hebert has a five month old son.
21 year old Zachary Golden who remained outside during the robbery of the Petro Can on Loch Lomand Road while armed with a knife, acting as a lookout, got 2 years and 8 months.