John Ferguson asked for information about how they might solve the pension deficit, and you didn't give it to him for 8 months—that from lawyer Rod Gillis to City Manager Pat Woods. At the former common councilor's defamation trial, the court heard Ferguson asked to see the now-infamous “Pink Letter”, in which Halifax lawyer Ronald Pink outlined recommendations for the board—but Woods put him off.
Woods told the court, “All I remember is sending the Pink letter. I don't know whether Ferguson was on council in that year or not.” Woods was working as both common clerk and deputy city manager up until March 2008.
Woods said Ferguson would have had to motion to see the documents. “Do you mean to tell me that if you as a clerk has a document, a resolution of council is needed to see it? Is that how the City of Saint John works?
One of Ferguson's allegedly defamatory comments is that that the pension board withheld information.