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Thursday, April 19, 2012

What Did Saint John Have To Do With San Diego?

Former Common Councillor John Ferguson's comparison of the pension plan problems in San Diego with those of the city took up much of the cross examination at his defamation trial.

Ferguson told the court he was referring to both pension plans being underfunded and not the serious allegations of fraud that were being investigated in San Diego.
Nevertheless, City Solicitor John Nugent called the comparison "egregious" and former Fincne Commissioner Andrew Beckett charged Ferguson was implying extortion was taking place. Ferguson vehemently denies making any such accusation. 
Pension Board lawyer Barry Morrison challenged Ferguson by suggesting all the publicity over his criticism of the city's pension plan was part of his plan. Ferguson disagreed claiming his concern was that the pension plan was not getting any better in spite of double digit returns on its investments.