If you live in the south end and can't get out to vote today, P.U.L.S.E. wants to help.
The People United for the Lower South End are providing transportation to the polling station on Leinster Street from their office on Wentworth street or if need be from your door.
Carl Trickey of P.U.L.S.E. tells CHSJ News they want to make sure anyone with mobility issues can get to the polls today. To get a lift to the polls, call 632-6807 or drop by 251 Wentworth Street.
P.U.L.S.E is also taking part in the SJ Votes initiative to increase voter turnout and will be taking part in a free BBQ at the Carmarthen Street Fire Station from 4-6pm.
The polls are open until 8 tonight.
Live coverage of the election results begin on Country 94 after the polls close at 8 with your host CHSJ News Director Brian McLain and former Saint John Mayor Norm McFarlane.
You can listen live by clicking here