A few hills remain to be climbed in the city's 2013 budget process.
The vote on the budget has been bumped ahead until at least mid week, pending quotes from local firm Owens MacFadyen on the interim, or bridging numbers for long term-disability payments as well as how the payouts will work on a more permanent basis.
LTD isn't taken into account under the Shared Risk model currently being contemplated for the pension plan, and Mayor Mel Norton likens it to a series of dominoes in that council first requires the long term disability numbers, then ratify a Memorandum of Understanding, then finally approve the budget after that.
The ballpark figure being cited for the so-called bridge benefits is $75,000 and $100,000 monthly, but that's just until something more permanent is worked out. They're hoping to get the quotes within the next day or two and meet again on Wednesday; however, that doesn't mean the capital nudget will be done before early 2013.