Lawyer John MacGillivray telling Council the original notice to close the street, which is just off Salmon Crescent, only referred to a third of the whole area. He says many trucks and employees of a warehouse for King Lawn Service use the street, and closing it would interfere with business. Two out of three homeowners surrounding the street also oppose it's closure.
Mayor Bill Bishop admits there was a mistake when the public notice was sent out, saying it only referred to half of the street being closed. Bishop says since people are concerned, they'll go back and re-visit it.
The reason why the street is facing closure is because Robert Bourque owns a small home adjacent to it. Bourque tells CHSJ news when he bought the property the previous owner says the driveway they were using was actually a road owned by the city. Bourque says if the small street was closed, he could buy the city land and build a permanent driveway and garage for his home.
Less than half of the street is developed.