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Monday, February 17, 2014

Seal Impersonates Littlest Hobo On Highway 1

A well-traveled seal definitely turned some heads on the highway during yesterday's blizzard.

A driver on Highway 1 Eastbound near Peticodiac reported seeing the grey marine mammal making its way down the side of the road around 2:30pm yesterday.

Gateway Operations Communications officer Emily Richard  tells CHSJ News the seal was found a significant distance from any water--and the nearest body of water is a lake. Richard says they followed its belly marks and it appeared the animal came up via the lake and lost its bearings.
It's not known what made the animal stray so far inland.

Department of Natural Resources officials wrapped the fuzzy grey guy in a sling and transported him or her to safety.

It's thought the seal was then released back to its natural habitat.