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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

City Promises More Efficient Phone System For Saint Johnners

(Common Councillor Bill Farren)      
(Photo by Brian McLain)                    

A 3-1-1 phone system for calling the city is likely too expensive. That conclusion from Deputy City Manager Andrew Beckett who vows a more efficient system for people to contact the right department when they have a problem will be phased in starting next January. Right now there are 65 phone numbers to choose from and that, according to Beckett, is too unwieldy.
City Manager Pat Woods acknowledges he's not satisfied with the cureent level of customer service.
Councillor Bill Farren says he has received complaints from people who claim they were treated shabbily over the phone when they called the city. He says the new system, when fully implemented, will wind up costing half a million dollars. Beckett argues it's far more complicated than having a pleasant voice answering the phone.