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Friday, June 29, 2012

National Mental Health Strategy Unveiled

The National Mental Health Commission did exhaustive research in creating "Changing Directions Changing Lives" to create a mental health strategy for the entire country.

The new national approach and provincial mental health action plan share common ground on how to best provide help to those with mental health.
Provincial Health Minister Madeline Dube was in town today at Mental Health Recovery Services on Duke Street.

Dube tells CHSJ News it's a great example of what we need as they provide people with health assistance and support in getting a job and a home.

She says it's huge because people have a central place to come and work on the recovery side and have quality of life and this is what we want.

Dr. David Goldblum of the Mental Health Commission of Canada says they want to continue the dialogue on improving mental health care for everyone here and across the country.