If you park your car outside out west, you may want to check whether your windows are still intact.
City police making six arrests as a group of young people travelled around that part of town smashing out the windows of parked vehicles.
3 complaints have been lodged thus far but police expect there will be more. Police say the damage took place from Greendale to Milford and the lower west side.
Meantime, there were no injuries after a flatbed tractor trailer left Manawagonish Road, knocking down a pole and coming close to a nearby home. No one was injured but the road was closed until everything could be cleaned up.
A 22 year old man was taken to hospital after an on the job injury. He was working on the renovations taking place at the Boys and Girls Club when a portion of a wall came down and injured his neck. WorkSafe NB is investigating.
Rothesay Regional Police reporting two people were taken to hospital after a car left Gondola Point Road early this morning. They believe the car swerved to avoid hitting an animal.